Chapter Forty-Three: St. Lucia

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Hiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. I have to tie some loose ends this weekend so I'm not sure if I'll be updating. This will be Y/N's POV. This also contains explicit content. Feel free to skip. Happy reading!😊

 Happy reading!😊~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Satoru and I immediately jumped to St. Lucia after taking Suguru's life. My father's been keeping him updated. He went back to the inflamed forest to retrieve the chains and Suguru's remains were ashes. No evidence of a murder was found. If they find his ashes his cause of death is by the forest fire.

No bones such as teeth and hair from him was found according to my father's friend or my godfather as you may call it who is a fireman. A forest fire is one of the best ways to hide a body. Those types of flames can even burn every traces of DNA. The tree that he was trained to was also ashes. Mix those two together and you will never identify him.

That's why my father and Judge Bedón threw Suguru's dead parents into the forest next to his ashes as well. Three dead bodies, multiple burned trees and no evidence. They recycle nutrients back into the soil, disperse seeds of fire-adapted plants and burn ground cover to give seedlings a chance at light. This goes for human ashes as well.

Guess you can call it the circle of life. Sounds more like he's getting a second chance at life if you put it like that. He'll be part of the tree and finally be useful in life. And that is how they will stone for his sins. By providing oxygen. We walk into our villa. I look around, astonished.

"This is..." I trail off.

"Hello and welcome to the Xhale Luxury Villa. I'm Clare the property manager and this is Arlington your chef. Over there are your housekeepers, Marie, Allen, Mitobe and Dru. If you need anything, feel free to ask them or call my line."

Clare shakes our hands before leaving. I turn to Satoru.

"Baby this is breathtaking."

I stand on my toes, locking my arms around his neck.

"You deserve it all."

Satoru kiss me.

"This is a lot and it's so beautiful."

"It's only a four bedroom villa nothing too fancy."

"Four-there's only two of us?"

"That's okay. I wanted to give you the best experience and the most privacy."

Satoru kiss me and take our bags upstairs. I follow him. I look around in the bedroom.

"Baby this view!"

I rush over and open the sliding door. I can see the ocean. I feel as Satoru wrap his arms around me.

"This is paradise."

"As long as I'm with you, anywhere is paradise."

I roll my eyes.

"That is so cheesy. But cute."

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