Chapter Fifty: The Devil Has Two Of Them

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

"So what's going on with you Satoru? I haven't heard from you in months. I was two seconds away from hunting you down but your parents said you're fine." Diavian asks.

"Sorry it's just so much is going on."


"Satoru suffers from PTSD and it's bad."

"What? Oh my gosh." I nod.

"But he's on medication and he takes them so he's fine. Except for the occasional nightmares. He finally started cracking when we were in Saint Lucia-"

"Wait you two went to Saint Lucia?"

"Yes he took us there for a month after he tied loose ends with Geto."

"Tie loose ends?"

Diavian grows wide eyed.

"You mean he's dead?" I nod.

Diavian gets up and dances.

"Hell yeah! Justice for you and Valentine!"

I laugh.

"Sit down. Anyway, afterwards we took off."

"Hang on, back it up. Tell me how it happened. How did he off Suguru?"

"It wasn't anything to vicious. I mean my father took care of Suguru's parents. Judge Bedón dragged Suguru to the forest. Whew it was a cloudy day. But it just wasn't any cloudy day. After begging Satoru to let me go with him, we arrived to the forest to see Suguru chained to the tree.

After I said my piece, Satoru whooped his ass and then lightning strikes like crazy. Satoru grabbed me just as Suguru was struck. Because the forest was dry, the lightning created the wildfire.

The fire burned Suguru's and his parents remains. Long story short, the Geto family are going through the circle of life as their ashes will help trees grow."

"Damn. That has to be the wildest way to go out. Sure there are more gruesome ways to die by like he was struck by lightning. Now that is killing someone's without killing them. But why did you two run off to St. Lucia?"

"For a vacation. We both needed one. It's so beautiful there. It was perfect...almost. We both continued my therapist and we realized Satoru was slowly spiraling. And it was because of his last mission.

It was worse than I thought. Had I known or put it into thought I would've told him before he left to not go. Di he was captured and tortured for ten months.

That means it happened two months after he went under cover. I stopped buying meat for a while because he thought it was laced with poison. Sometimes he hallucinates and gets verbally violent, afraid I'll hurt him."

"Y/N you need to be careful. We don't know how long his medication will remain effective. He's not hurting you is he?"

"God no. Dr. Haru said this may last six months to a year. He's been doing really well taking his medication and going to therapy. Satoru actually wants to get better. I'm proud of him for that. I just wish I could stop the nightmares. Oh and get this; his grandfather was a mean ass old dude."

"Well we know that as he groomed his kids and grandchildren."

"More so like Suguru and his father. Judge Bedón had to do another reading on his father's will after Suguru was killed."

"Why? He doesn't have an heir."

"That old battle axe gave his business and estate to Suguru and his heir. Should anything happens, it goes to his heir or partner."

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now