Chapter Three: Probation

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Hiiiiiii!!!! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

After the trial on Monday, the judge granted me six months of probation instead of three years in jail.

"I can't believe you have probation." Diavian says as we make the coffee.

"What good is a lawyer if you still get in trouble?"

"I'd rather do that than jail." I tell her.

"This is so unfair."

"It is what it is. I've learned to keep my mouth shut." I tell her.

"Don't look now but my former boss is here with his wife." Diavian whispers to me. I make his latte and slam it at the register without a word. I hear laughter.

"I can't believe you're a barista. You know I thought I had competition when you slept with my man, but I guess I don't." I hear. I remain quiet, making the drinks.

"She pisses me off."

"Diavian stop." I hiss.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" I hear.

"Listen you piece of shit. Y/N isn't a barista. She owns this place. It was passed down to her from her parents. And yeah, I'm a barista because you fired me. And technically, that's wrongful termination which is illegal." She glare at them.

"Diavian, stop." I tell her.

"Y/N I am so sick and tired of her yammering like a Pomeranian."

"As your boss, you need to remain professional at all times."


"Diavian!" I scold. She sighs.

"Clockout. Go to lunch." I tell her. She takes off her apron and clocks out. I finish up the building beverages. I hand over the iced Frappuccino. Money was tossed at me.

"Keep the change." Moné sneers with a grin.

I look at Suguru. He looks away. I leap over the counter.

"Whoa whoa whoa boss! Stop!" Someone was holding me back.

"Chill. What's gotten into you?" Declan asks.

"Deep breaths." I take a deep breath. I take off my apron.

"Hold it down." I tell him. I storm pass the couple and out of the coffee shop.

I scream out of anger and frustration. I punch a pole, knowing I'm going to regret it tomorrow. I walk into the diner. I plop down in the booth next to Diavian.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks.

"That bitch threw money at me and said keep the change." I bark.

"What?!" Diavian jumps up but I pull her back down.

"She is not worth it. Trust me I want to beat her ass too. I almost but Declan held me back."

"Hypocrite." She tells me.

"I know. But it really set me off. I can only-I can't handle disrespect. That was damn near assault and that tone. The smirk on her face oooh I just wanna beat her ass again!"

"And what did Mr. Geto do?"

"He looked away."

"Sounds like he's really afraid of her."

"And that's not our problem Di."

"I know but I just feel so bad for him. Men get abused too. It's just so taboo and they're afraid to speak up. Other men and women downplay it saying there's no such thing. Because it's a man, people think men can't get abused or sexually assaulted."

"Well I don't. He came to her defense, got aggressive with me and testified against me. All while knowing damn well that bitch broke his nose on purpose! I almost went to jail because of them. They deserve each other."

"Y/N come on, you're being a little too hard on him. We don't know what kind of threats she puts on him. She might actually kill him if he leaves her."

"I'm trying to look at his point of view, I am but not when I'm being lied on. I'm choosing myself over anybody. Just like I choose you over anybody."

A waitress came and we ordered.

"I hope to never see them again." Diavian says.

"I hope we never do." We talk until our food came. Afterwards, it was time to head back.

"That food always hit the spot." Diavian says. I laugh as we enter. The crowd died down. Diavian clocks in and washes her hands. I walk into my office. I start doing work. There was a knock on my door a half hour later. I get up and open the door.

"Hey there's a guy looking for you." Declan says.

I roll my eyes, hoping it's not who I think it is. I follow Declan out. It was a tall slim man. It wasn't Suguru at all.

"Ms. Y/L/N?"

"Yes...." I respond slowly.

"You've been served." He says while handing over an envelope.

"What?!" I rip open the envelope and scan through it.

"What's going on?" Diavian asks as she walks up.

"That bitch is suing me for defamation." I tell her.

"Oh my god what?! For what?!"

"Because I said she abused her husband."

"But it's true!"

"Exactly." Then it hit me.

"She's only suing me now because she realize I own this place and so I have money. Well played you gold digging bitch. Well played."

"Y/N I am so sorry! I shouldn't have told her that." I silence Diavian.

"If she wants to play a game, then let's play. I'll beat her at her own game." I look at Diavian.

I motion for her to come into my office.

"I'm taking her down." I announce.

"What? How? Your own lawyer couldn't let you walk free."

"True but that man is a business man. And if he actually thinks for himself then he has audio on his cameras, just like I do." Her face lights up.

"Then that means the footage of her attacking Mr. Geto!" I nod with a devious smile.

"Exactly. And that means you should sue him for wrongful termination."

"But Y/N I don't have a lawyer, much less afford one." I wrap my arm around her neck.

"That's why you'll be using one of my lawyers."

"Oh no Y/N I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because they're yours and how can I come up with that money? They charge millions. I didn't inherit anything from my grandparents." I roll my eyes.

"You're family so I got your back."

"I don't wanna sue him. He's the real victim here."

"Diavian, he fired you without a proper cause. That's illegal. And I will testify for you." She lets out a long sigh.

"Fine. Only to get back at her. I'm not trying to hurt him."

"Whatever." I roll my eyes. I hug my best friend.
Sorry this one's super short too!🤧

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