Chapter Eleven: The News

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Hiiiiiii!! How are you? Hope all is well. This is Geto's POV. Happy reading!😊

~~~~~~~~~~~Geto's POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I finally got the courage to speak to my lawyers about filing for divorce. I'm keeping my word and getting out. With the help of therapy and support from Y/N, I'm realizing I deserve better. My life's been better with Y/N around.

"Good morning." I greet Y/N.

She didn't say anything. I place her food on the table. I watch as she sit down. She plays with her food. She hasn't been eating lately. I sit down.

"Please eat."

"I'm not hungry." She mumbles.

She's been depressed ever since Moné destroyed her coffee shop.


Y/N gets up. I get up as well.


I grab her wrist and spin her into my chest.

"I have something I need to show you."

"I'm not in the mood."

"Please? For me?"

She lets out a sigh.


I grab her hand and escort her out. We ride down. I keep our fingers intertwined. She avoid eye contact with me. We get off and get into my car. I blindfold her. I drive off. The drive was silent. I pull up and park. I help her out. I escort her into the building. I signal Diavian who signals everyone else.

"Can I take this stupid blindfold off?"

I take the blindfold off her.

"Surprise!" her employees shout.

Y/N looks around.

"What's this?"

She walks around slowly.

"We're back in business baby!" Declan replies.

"We scalped what wasn't destroyed and implemented in the new coffee shop." Mariana continues.

"I took the liberty of buying this land and putting it under your name. No one can try to buy you out in the future or try to buy the land. It's all yours."

Y/N walks up to me.

"You all did this for me?"

We nod. Y/N starts crying.

"Hey hey. What's wrong?" I ask as I grab her shoulders.

"I don't deserve this."

"Yes you do."

I wipe her tears and pull her into a hug.

"You deserve the world baby girl." I say as I rub her back.

She sniffles and pulls away.

"So...are we back in business?" Julian asks.

She looks at all her employees and nods. They cheer and surround her with a group hug. She laughs. She walks up to me. A huge smile spreads across her face. Unexpectedly, she grabs my face and kiss me. I kiss her back, pulling her close to me. She pulls away quickly.

"I-I'm sorry."

She turns back to her team.

"We didn't see anything." Declan says.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now