Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Equalizer

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Hiiiii! This is a warning that this chapter contains mentioning of suicide. Feel free to skip. To all of my ghost readers, thank you for taking the time to read my terrible stories and voting for the chapters. It means a lot to me. To all my cheerleaders who comment and vote, thank you! I genuinely love reading your reactions, and opinions as much as I love interacting with you all. It genuinely makes me happy that I should never stop writing. I love y'all real bad. Alright nuff mushy shit. Let's goooo! Happy reading!😊

"What did you do?!"

I scream, storming into the police department.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, there ma'am. What seems to be the problem?" An officer asks.

I charge up to Satoru. I shove him.


"Stand down. It's okay. She's with me. Come on."

He escorts me to the far back of the hall. He leads me to a room.

"Why are we here?"

"It's an old interrogation room that nobody used."

He close the door.

"You had something to do with Suguru being in the hospital didn't you?!" I scream.

"What're you going to do about it?"

He folds his arms.


"I told you. I take justice into my own hands."

"This is my business not yours. I just came to you legally for a restraining order or I'd bury him."

"What can I say? I like to go rogue. And it's my business. More than you think."

"You don't know me. And you don't know him."

"Sit down baby girl. I'm about to rock your world."

"I'm not your baby girl."

I take a seat.

"Your ex boyfriend is my cousin."

"Excuse me?"

"Judge Bedón is my father."

"Y'all don't even have the same last name. None of y'all do at this point."

"Bedón is my mother's maiden name. He uses that in all of his professions, after taking on her last name. So did my uncle. My father gave me his last name to keep our legacy going but my grandfather didn't like that I got into the police force. Even though Suguru has his mother's last name, he was able to take our grandfather's inheritance and business. You can thank his groomed father, grooming him to be the next dummy-I mean heir."

"Wait. He said his father built the software company."

"Yes he did. The original company was marketing that our grandfather invented but as competition grew, his father rebuilt it by creating a rare software that's hard to imitate. Then he passed it on to your ex. My family was exiled, starting with my father. Both of them were groomed to inherit the business. My father got infatuated with Law.

My father told me I could be whatever I want. I got interested in Law myself. And I guess being a vigilante too or the equalizer as some may call it. His father was well groomed while being the elder son. Our grandfather didn't approve of taking the matriarch's last name and passing it to his son, but since he was perfectly groomed it was allowed. Geto inherited all the fame, glory, and fortune." He spat.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now