Chapter Thirty-Six: The Return

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Hiiiiiii! How are you? Hope all is well. This is a one year time skip and will switch POV's. Happy reading!😊

~~~~~~~~~~Satoru's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

One year. We've finally completed our mission. There were heavy casualties and we lost a few men. I didn't think that I would make it back. I can't wait to go home. I was on the plane with my team, on our way back to Japan.

"Ready to go home Gojo?" Brandon asks me. I was dozing off.

"Yeah." I reply.

"I cannot wait to see my family. My beautiful kids' faces. Make sweet love to my wife. You're going home to your wife right?" He asks me.

"I am. I haven't stopped thinking about her the entire time." I smile wide.

I can't wait to touch her soft silky smooth skin. Inhale her scent. Have her body pressed into mine. Look into her beautiful eyes. Press those luscious lips against mine. Listen to her beautiful voice. I cannot wait until I retire and spend the rest of my life with her. No matter how hard I tried to forget her to focus on this case, I couldn't. I missed her more.

Needed her more. She's the only person I ever thought about. I cannot wait to see my beautiful bride again. Even though it's been a year, I can still feel her lips on mine, from when we said goodbye. I can still taste her.

I shiver at the thought of her. I'm getting excited. I can't wait to make love to her in the nastiest way. Lick her from top to bottom. I close my eyes, drifting back off.

"Satoru. We've landed back in Tokyo."

I slowly come to. I get up and deplane. I get excited again. I'm so close from seeing her again. I grab my suitcase from the airport and walk out. The bright morning sun blinded me. My father was leaning against his car.

"Welcome home son." My father hugs me tightly.

"It's so good to see you again."

I hug him back. I put my suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. My father pulls off. The ride is silent back to my house.

"How's my wife?" I finally ask him.

"She misses you a lot. Your best friend is doing well too. Though I must inform you, your cousin is still persistent on seeing her."

"I'll deal with him later."

My father pulls up. I get out and grab my suitcase. I get my house keys from my father and we say goodbye. My heart thumps loudly in my ears as I unlock my front door. I take my shoes off.

"Baby I'm home!" I call.

"You're home?!"

She rush in and jumps on me. She kisses me deeply.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you. Let's get married."

I put her down. Have I deluded myself into thinking that I was married to her?


Her voice snapped me out of it. I shake my head, trying to clear it.

"I'll be back." I put my shoes on.

"Satoru is something wrong?" Aoi asks me.

"There is. But I need to make it right." I grab my suitcase, leaving out. I wasn't even sure how much of my delusion was a reality.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Y/N's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

In the past year, Diavian's boutique became so popular she opened up a few more. One in Tokyo, and Kyoto. I went to her grand openings. She's a really good businesswoman and I'm so damn proud of her. I should say we are so proud of her. Diavian's in a relationship finally. I'm happy for her.

"It's been a long time since you've dated Di." I tell her.

"I know but I didn't want to abandon you in your time of need."

"I am a grown woman. You have to put yourself first and your happiness."

"Who knew it would've been Viktor?"

"Considering he went through a rough divorce, I'm surprised too. Can you believe he said you were his first choice and not Gisele?"

"I still can't believe it. He thought he wasn't my type and that he saw I was preoccupied with you."

"I told you to get back out there."

"You have. I'm glad I did too. He's so perfect. Gisele really was a dumbass for cheating on him."

"Oooh look who is madly in loooooove." I tease.

"Grow up Y/N."

"Don't you need to get ready for your hot date with your man?" I remind her.

"Oh you're right!" Diavian disappears.

She turns music on as she gets ready. I start to tidy up. The doorbell rings an hour later. I answer the door.

"Viktor!" I hug him.

"It's good to see you Y/N."

"She's not ready yet. Get comfortable. Did you want anything to drink?" I offer.

"No thank you." Diavian descended the stairs.

"I'm ready!"

"Damn you look good girl. I cannot wait to show you off and take it off of you."

Viktor pulls her close.

"Go best friend!"

I start snapping photos, getting every angle possible.

"Y'all look so hot together." I hype up.

I get down on the floor, squat, bend backwards, and jump to get as many good shots. They're so photogenic they look like models.

"Whew!" I pant.

"Come on, come on, we're gonna be late." Viktor says.

"You crazy kids have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I smile deviously as I hug them.

I close my door and lock it. I love how even through they live together now, they do gestures like he picks her up from here or they get dressed in separate rooms to get their first glance and reaction. I sit on the sofa and turn my tv on. I snuggle up, finishing up the last episodes of My Home Hero. I didn't have any plans tonight.

I just wanted to finish up this really good anime. The husband and wife are really couple goals. They deserve parents of the year award. I must've doze off when there was a knock on my door. I jump awake. I look at the clock.

"Who the hell is that knocking on my door at three in the fuckin morning like they're the police?" I mumble as the maniac start to bang.

I get up.

"I'm coming!" I bark, highly irritated.

"Somebody just better be dead."

I yank my door open.

"What?!" I growl, ready to attack.

The tall familiar man was standing in front of me. I rub my eyes, trying to make the hallucinations go away.

"Great now I'm sleep walking. Not today Satan." I slam the door shut but he inserts his foot. I open the door back. I stare at him blankly. Then it finally registered.

"Y-You're alive?" I ask.
I'm so happy for Diavian🤧

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