Chapter Fifty-One: The Accusation

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Hiiiiiii!! Hope all is well. Happy reading!☺️

I've spent majority of my time with our business project and helping Diavian plan her wedding. She has a wedding planner but I'm the one she calls all the time with new ideas she finds on social media. I actually see Gojo a lot less because I'm rarely home now.

Every time I do come home, I'm beyond exhausted. Between being hands on with our business, jumping to Diavian's beck and call, while still maintaining my coffee shop, I barely have any sleep or down time. On top of that, I'm still Diavian's maid of honor. I walk into our home, late again.

I sigh, taking off my shoes and hanging up my trench coat. Diavian's wedding is in a few hours, and no amount of sleep nor makeup can cover my exhaustion. My phone rings.

"Do you think he'll get cold feet?" Diavian asks for the millionth time.

"No, now go to sleep." I tell her.

"You're right. I love you."

"I love you too." I hang up.

"You're home late again." Satoru says behind me.

I jump and turn around to see him coming down the stairs.

"I'm sorry baby did I wake you?" I ask, followed by a yawn.

"No, I was already up. We were supposed to have dinner together. I put it in the microwave for you. Our sixth month anniversary cake is in the fridge."

I close my eyes. Fuck I forgot our anniversary.

"I'm so sorry baby, I got sidetracked. I'll make it up to you okay? I promise."

I kiss Satoru. He doesn't kiss me back. He slowly pulls me off of him.

"Who is he?" Satoru asks.

"Who-huh?" I ask.

"Are you cheating on me?" Satoru accused.

"How could you ask me that?"

"Because you've been so damn busy, I never see you anymore. You're never home."

"You see me at animation studio as it's still being built."

"Sneaking out all hours of the night. You just told him you love him. You've been skipping out on our quality time, and this isn't the first anniversary you've missed. You even bailed out on a dinner with my parents as a proper introduction. And you always reek of different scents of men's cologne every night."

"I know I've been skipping out and I'm sorry. I'm trying to balance everything all at once. I'm literally leaving late at night because Diavian kept asking me to come over whenever she changes her ideas on the wedding. And as her maid of honor, I'm responsible for making sure she has a perfect wedding and fix any crises."

"And the cologne?"

"She sprays cologne on me all the time she finds a new scent she wants Viktor to wear on their wedding day." I explain.

"You know of all the lies you could've come up with the cologne, this is the dumbest excuse ever."

"I-" My phone rings again. I groan.

"Put him on speaker." Satoru demands.


I put Diavian on speaker.

"Why are you still awake?" I ask.

"I just want to thank you for being the best maid of honor and putting up with my shit. I apologize for taking up so much of your time and making you do bizarre things such trying on multiple gowns for you and the bridesmaids, trying on multiple perfumes for me to wear and colognes for Viktor. To be fair you have the best pheromones and can make the most basic scents smell luxurious. I owe you big time."

"You can make it up to me by going bed and marrying the man of your dreams. Goodnight. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

I hang up and give Satoru a smug look.

"I'm going to bed." I announce.

Satoru was speechless. I walk past him and walk upstairs.

"Y/N wait-"

I whirl around. Satoru was following me.

"If it wasn't clear to you, make yourself acquainted on the couch tonight."

I turn back and head into our room. I slam the door and lock it. I climb into bed after undressing. I have no energy to argue with him or curse him out. I don't even remember the last time I had proper sleep. I pass out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Whew!!! Hiiiii!!! I guess I'm writing back on here since AO3 has employees who support genocide. I deleted my account immediately over there. I stand with Palestine.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now