Chapter Forty: The Second Conversation

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Sorry your man got shot multiple times. Happy reading!😊

Satoru was discharged two weeks later. His parents drove us back to Kumamoto. They stayed at my place for two days before driving back. I tend to his every need and I couldn't help but feel so guilty.

"What's on your mind sweetheart?"

"Nothing." I lie.

"Something's wrong. Talk to me."

We were in the bathtub, my back against his chest. I turn to face him. I exhale deeply.

"Aoi's right and I cannot stop thinking about it."

"I didn't get shot because of you."

"Not that. But the vicious cycle. She's right. You're with me now and helping me escape my abusive ex just like I helped him escaped from his. Nothing good is going to come out of this. You should be with her. Your life was far more peaceful with her."

I look away.

"Hey, look at me."

Satoru holds my face, making me look at him.

"This was going to happen if he was with you or with anyone else. It's my job as the equalizer to help. I wasn't going to stand around and not do anything. And I want to be with you. My life was never peaceful. But it'll get peaceful when I eliminate him and retire. Then we can live happily ever after. Okay?"

I nod. Satoru leans in and kiss me. I kiss him back. I look at his bullet wounds.

"It's nothing. I've had worse."

"That's not a good thing psycho."

He chuckles. Scars, burn marks and bullet wounds. This man has been through it. Satoru pulls me close. He kiss my neck.

"You know I'm free from Aoi...." He whispers in my ear.

I bite my bottom lip.

"The doctor put you on bed rest."

"I know."

Satoru starts to suck on my neck.

"Your stitches can open up."

"Let them."

"Or we can go back to watching Jujutsu Kaisen."

"Why so you can back to simping for a forty something year old man who tried to off a teenager after shooting the other one in the head and sliced up the third?"

"He did nothing wrong." I deny.

"Or we can watch Demon Slayer."

"To see your flashy husband with the three wives?"

"I'm starting to think someone is jealous."

"I'm not. Because they're not real and I'm the one who get to pleasure you."

"Okay we can go back to watching One Piece."

"So watch all your husbands and wives on there."

"You sure sound jealous."

"I'm not. I'm just trying to figure out when did this happen."

"It's your fault. I never watched anime so now deal with it. You have some competition."

"Competition? No sweetheart. If they were real, they'd be joining us." Satoru gagged me.

"Is that so?"

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now