Chapter Twenty-Two: Moné

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Hiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

I wasn't even sure what day it was. Every day went by in a haze. We spent every day at the hospital, hoping Diavian would wake up. My phone brings to ring.


"Y/N, Diavian's awake." Her mother announced.

"We're on our way." I say before hanging up.

"Diavian's awake." I tell Suguru.

We haven't said much to each other these days. Just staying in each other's arms. We get out of bed and rush downstairs. We head outside and lock the door. I speed off. I zoom down the road, making sharp turns. I needed to make sure she's okay. Suguru places his hand on my thigh as I drive. I pull up to the hospital. We rush in, meeting Diavian's parents. Mrs. Johnson hugs me.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."

She takes my hand and leads us to her daughter's room. Diavian was sitting up. I rush in and hug her tightly, crying.

"Thank god you're okay. I cannot lose you too." I sob.

"Y-Y/N it was Moné. I-I don't remember what happened. She knocked me out immediately. We were on our way outside when it happened so fast. H-How's Valentine? Is he okay?" She speaks.

I pull away to look at her, new fresh tears falling down.

"H-He didn't make it. She stabbed him repeatedly, slit his throat and mutilated him." Suguru explains.

"What?! No, no, no, no, no, no! Say sike right now!" Diavian starts crying.

"I'm the worst godmother. Y/N, Suguru I'm so s-sorry!"

I pull Diavian into my arms.

"Nobody's blaming you sweetie. I promise we're not blaming you."

I kiss the top of her head.

"You just focus on recovering."

I pull away, wiping her tears. I turn to her parents.

"Please take care of her for me."

I grab Suguru's hand and leave out.

"Give me your keys." Suguru demands.

I give it to him without hesitation. He speeds off after we get in.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To pay the judge a little visit."

His face was filled with rage. He place a hand on my thigh.


"Baby, we'll get answers as to why that bitch is free from prison."

He squeezes my thigh. I don't know why, but something in him changed. Well I know why but this is a side of him I never saw of him. He pulls up to a house and parks. He jumps out. I get out and scurry after him. He furiously bangs on the door. He starts kicking the door.

"Open this fucking door!"

"Suguru!" I scream, trying to pull him back.

The door swings open.


Suguru shakes me off and grips the judge, cutting his sentence off.

"Why is Moné out of prison?!"

He screams, while shoving the judge. He storms inside. I follow him.

"Suguru stop!" I demand.

I try to break him free.

"What do you mean she's free? I sentenced her to seven years." Judge Bedón responds.

"Well she's out Akio!"

"Suguru stop! He's a judge, this is a crime!"

"He's not going to throw his precious nephew behind bars." He growls.

I was taken aback.


"Moné is out of prison and she's terrorizing my family." He continues.

"You still have restraining orders against her right? One violation and she's back in jail."

Suguru shoves his uncle again.

"She knocked our friend unconscious, and she killed our son. Mutilated him."

Suguru breaks down crying. I pull him close to me.


Suguru hugs my waist.

"She FaceTimed me on my best friend's phone stabbing our son and slitting his throat. By the time we got there, he was mutilated." I explain carefully.

"What?" I nod.

"I retired after I sentenced her. I'm going to make a call. Excuse me." Akio left.

I continue to hold him. I wipe his tears.

"The new judge let her out for good behavior." Akio announced. We were silent for a minute.

"She has some sort of connection to him. She has to." I finally spoke.

"I wouldn't be surprised. I'll do some investigating." Akio agrees. Suguru gets up, then helps me up. He looks at me.

"I promise you on my life, we are going to get justice for Valentine."

He takes my hands and kiss them. I tried to hold back tears but I couldn't. After being told for seven years I couldn't have a child, I give birth to one, and only for a deranged bitch to take him away from me. My body start to shake uncontrollably as I cry. I feel as Suguru pulls me close to him.
Sorry this is so short🤧

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