Chapter Sixteen: Get Out

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Hiiiiiii! Hope all is well. Happy reading!😊

•Trauma Bonding- A trauma bond is an attachment that develops from a cycle of physical and/or emotional trauma followed by positive reinforcement.

•Hero Syndrome- Hero syndrome also known as hero complex and savior complex, is a psychological disorder and the need to help someone.

I'm officially off bed rest. Suguru still restricted me from seeing my business. I was okay with that because he kept me updated. I finally called Diavian over. I haven't spoken to her in a while.

"His ex wife did what?!"

I nod.


"Y/N you better watch your back. That bitch is crazy. And it's clear that the restraining order won't work. If she put her own goddaughter's life on the line, there's no telling what she'll do to you." Diavian says as she walks back into the living room.

She opens a new bottle of champagne and pours us a glass.

"We haven't heard from her."

"Then she's planning something big."

She takes a sip of her wine.

"I can't believe he's broke. Just handed over everything. He's better than me cause I would've left that bitch below poverty."

"Hello?! Sebastian and I told him the same thing. But he told us that his happiness and freedom is worth the money, the cars, the land, the houses, the jewelry, clothes and everything in between.

He's so serious. He told me that living with me and being with me is the reason why he made that decision. Because of the happiness I showed him and the freedom he had here, he's fighting for it."

"You know he's in love with you right? Did he tell you yet?"

I nod.

"He told me. Wait a minute, you knew?!"

I put my glass down and look at her.

"I mean I figured it out before he told me. He told me not to tell you. Then you went into cardiac arrest. That man loves you so much girl."

"I know."

I take another sip of my wine.

"What's holding you back from loving him?"

I cross my leg.

"Well there's a lot. He's still married-"

"In the process of divorcing that psychotic abusive bitch." Diavian corrects me.

"Right. Him and his wife put me through hell-"

"Which he is making up for."

"I know. I'm cautious around him because I don't know if this is a sick joke between them."

"You know damn well he doesn't want her. He wouldn't fight this hard for you to get back with her. Everyone with a sick twisted plan always slip up and get caught. This man is genuine."

"Fine, you're right. But I still just gotten out of a nine year relationship and it hasn't hit me yet. My life has been distracted since he came into the picture and it's been chaos since then. Hell he's coming out of a ten year marriage and he's celebrating."

"A ten year marriage that was filled with abuse, trauma, control with nothing in return. That is why he moved on so quickly. The moment he came to your coffee shop twice while having a restraining order against us, was him mentally clocking out of his marriage.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now