Chapter Thirty-One: Visions

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Hiiiii! Hope all is well. Don't jump me lol. This story is coming out longer than I expected. It's supposed to be twenty-chapters but here we are. Happy reading!😊

When we got off the plane, I had to be rushed to the the hospital

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When we got off the plane, I had to be rushed to the the hospital. My side effects of the chloroform became worse. I was hospitalized for another week. The doctor here as well said I shouldn't have been on that plane. I was on strict bed rest. I don't like to have my health declining but there's not much I can do. I had to postpone my therapy session.

"Here's your tea." Diavian announces.

I take it. She's been helping me out lately.

"Thank you."

I take a sip of my tea.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better." I respond.

There's a knock on my door.

"Are you expecting anyone?"

"At this time of night? No."

I get up.

"No I'll get it."

I sit back down as Diavian walks to my door.

"What do you want?" I hear.

I get up and follow. Gojo was standing at the door.

"Can we talk?" He looks at me.

"No. I don't even know why you're here. Go home." Diavian answers for me.

"It's okay. Come on in."

"Y/N please don't be stupid."

"Maybe he can help me with my memory or something." Diavian sighs.

"It's your house."

She steps back. Gojo walks in.

"Come sit down."

I walk back to my sofa and sit.

"I've been calling and texting you."

"I know. I took her phone." Diavian chimes in.

"Why?" Gojo asks.

"Because she's been hospitalized and the last thing she needs is to be bothered.

"What? Are you okay?"

"It's just more side effects of the chloroform." I finally reply.

I drink my tea and set it down. Gojo hugs me.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

Gojo kisses my cheek.

"You really shouldn't be doing that." I pull away.

"Doing what?"

"Kissing my cheek and being so affectionate."

"I'm just being a friend. I've been missing your therapy sessions."

"They've been on hold. He knows I was in the hospital and needed to rest."

"I'll go make some more tea for you."

Diavian walks into the kitchen.

"So how did you two meet?" I ask.

"We met at a dinner party. We hit it off. We went to a few dates and really connected. I'm madly in love with her." I smile wide.

"I'm happy for you!" I hear something shatter.

"You're what?!" Diavian asks.

"I think it's a good thing. He shouldn't be with someone he doesn't love."

"I plan on marrying her."

Gojo's voice becomes distorted. I start to see something. I scream.

"Y/N? Y/N?! Look at me!"

My face gets slapped. I look at Diavian. I hug her tightly.


I start crying.

"Yes I'm here. What's wrong?"

"M-My son. He's dead!" I cry.

"Oh honey."

I ball my eyes out.


I hear Gojo's voice. I wipe my tears.

"You remember?" I nod.

I take a seat and sniff.

"God it was so brutal. The stabbing. The cutting."

Gojo takes my hand and squeezes it.

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to handle her in prison but he said no. And because of his stupidity, she took a precious life." I nod.

He rubs his thumb on the back of my hand.

"He was only six months old. He was robbed of his life. He was supposed to grow up. Start school. Graduate. Start his own life."

I stop in my tracks.

"Shoko Ieiri."


"This woman...she said she's Moné's wife. They got married in prison. She said she was going to kill me. And Suguru was next."

I stare blankly. Gojo grabs my face to face him.

"That's the woman I shot. She's dead. She can't hurt you anymore. All connections to your ex has been severed."

"Not all of them. You're still here." Diavian spat.

"What is wrong with you woman?" Gojo asks.

"You! The way you are so affectionate and nurturing. The way you treat and talk to her."

"I'm just an affectionate person."

"You didn't do anything. She wants us to be together."


"It's fine. After having a murdered child and abusive ex, I don't plan on dating ever again. I've had two failed relationships."

"It's not your fault. Don't deprive yourself from finding your one true love. Any man would be very lucky to have you. And to call you their bride."

Gojo kisses my temple.

"Marriage isn't my priority. I just want peace. And I've found it here. I'd rather be single forever if it means I can keep my sanity. Spare myself from the drama. The heartache. The headache. I don't want to be attached to anything or anyone anymore." I reply flatly.


"It's fine."

I cut Gojo off.

"Not everyone is meant to be in love. And I am one of them."

"What if your soul mate was right here next to you? What would you do?" Gojo asks.

"Send him on his way." I wave off.

"I hate to agree with him but he's right. You deserve love and shouldn't knock your blessings."

"Valentine was my blessing. I just wish he had a better father. But I'll honor his life."

"I'm going to go to bed."

I get up abruptly and walk upstairs. I had enough of that conversation. I don't remember much of my friendship with Gojo. It was probably platonic.
Y'all I just witnessed a motorcycle accident.

Love Story: Geto x Black Reader x GojoWhere stories live. Discover now