58. The Most Amazing Feeling

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"Yeah, of course... You should come along. It's your baby, after all. And you have all the rights to see its growth." Dr. Swati said.

Sidharth was delighted to have been asked to accompany them during the scan. He got up from his chair and began to walk.

Meanwhile, Shehnaaz  was worried and was conscious about getting the scan done before Sidharth.

The three of them came out and he- aded towards the scan room, which
was on the right side of Dr. Swati's office.

"I didn't want to talk to him if he did not even glance at me even once. I don't want Sidharth to come to the scan room either. Huh... " Shehnaaz mumbled.

As soon as they entered the room, Sidharth's phone rang. He looked at the doctor and asserted, "Excuse me, I need to take this call."

Saying this, he made his way out of the room for a while. Shehnaaz secretly thanked the man who had called him.

"Dr. Why did you ask Sidharth to come here?" She took advantage of the moment and asked Dr. Swati,"
Dr. Swati was surprised to hear this.

"Why?Is there any problem? "He is the father of the baby, and he has all the right to be here in the room," she answered.

"Umm... you know... Doctor: It's kind of awkward. " Shehnaaz replied reluctantly.

Dr. Swati placed her hand on her shoulder and rubbed it a little.

"It's completely fine, Shehnaaz. I can understand your awkwardness, but you have to understand his state of being too. In a normal pregnancy, usually a husband or a partner or a boyfriend accompanies the woman for the scan. After all, having the first scan is one of the most precious moments of pregnancy that nobody wants to let go of. No partner would ever want to miss the opportunity of seeing the baby for the first time.
Though I know this isn't a normal pregnancy, Sidharth is the father of this baby and is well-deserving of getting the opportunity to experience this feeling. After all, he has hired you for this baby only, "she explained.

Shehnaaz  realised that every word that Dr. Swati said was correct. She thought how delighted Sidharth would be to witness the baby for the first time. She recalled the moment when she held his hand and kept it on her stomach so that Sidharth could feel the presence of his baby growing within her. She remembered the glow in his eyes and how his face beamed with joy. And today was the day when he would get to see his baby. The sky would be the limit to his happiness.

"I won't let him be deprived of this happiness. Unintentionally, I have become the reason for his sorrow and pain. And now, it surely is my responsibility to cheer him up," shehnaaz  thought to herself.

Keeping in mind all of these thought, Shehnaaz  agreed with Dr. Swati.
"Yes, you're right, Dr. Swati, Sidharth rightfully deserves to be here. I am ready, "she announced.

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