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My Fia left yesterday.

I don't know what made her suddenly leave, but I know her excuse about having shit to do is bullshit. I know she does have hits to make, but she could have easily worked from here. So there's something else which is bothering her.

I can't help but let my mind wander to the possibility that she felt guilty about what happened 2 nights ago. I know she was using me to forget her Father, and I'm ok with that. I'm ok with my Fia using me in whatever way she wants.

I just want to hold her, to have her, for her to be mine and mine only. No other man is allowed to touch her, and she is allowed to touch no other man. I am no good man and have never claimed to be one, and there is something about Ophelia which further cements that fact. The mere idea of her touching another man makes my blood boil, that is why I made her say that she is mine. In my mind she has always been mine, so therefore I was hers, but the possibility of my Fia not feeling the same scares me.

I groan and run an exasperated hand down my face, how did I fuck this up so badly? I should have fought for her to stay, I know why she felt the need to leave, but I honestly couldn't care less. I couldn't care less that she just uses me as a distraction, it's fucking pathetic to say that I know, but she's become a drug I'm addicted to. Her laugh, her smile, her pretty auburn hair, her body. All things I've become addicted to. I crave her. I crave her touch and the way her body sinks into my arm when she realises she's safe with me. I crave the way she looks at me, like I'm the only person in this god forsaken world.

It's pathetic. The way I long for her the way I do, it's pathetic because I can't stop it and she doesn't feel the same way. It's pathetic because I'm willing to settle for friends with benefits and to be her little distraction, because I'm willing to settle as just another one of her men. Because I feel as though I can't live without her.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rings, I look at the screen and see Val's name appear. I accept the call and put her on speaker, leaning back in my chair as I put my feet up on my desk.

"Have you found anything?" I ask, knowing full well she would have. I hear a light scoff and I know I've offended her, "Of course I fucking found something," she retorts, and I roll my eyes. "Care to share?" I tease, chuckling when I hear another scoff.

"Her father's name is Claude Garnier, he and Clarisse got married when she was 19 and he was 23. They were married for 18 years, divorcing when Lia was 17. After the divorce, for reasons not known to the public, Clarisse held him in their basement and allegedly tortured him every day until he managed to escape with the help of a guard. He's been MIA since then, but has reemerged," Val trails off, giving me time to let the information sink in. This information only affirms my suspicions about Claude's character. I know that Ophelia is terrified at the idea of him finding her, I just don't know what he did yet.

"How has he re-emerged? Who's helping him?" I ask, sensing Val's hesitation.

"Your parents," she whispers, not saying anything else as everything freezes.

"What?" I choke out, my hands beginning to tremble.

"Your parents reached out to him a few months ago and they've been helping him," she repeats, her voice low but empathetic.

I can't bring myself to say anything, but luckily Val beats me to it; "I don't know why they decided to work together, but I assume it's because they found out about you two and they both have unsettled disputes with you guys,"

I hum and try to calm my thoughts down, nothing making sense as I feel the room begin to spin. "I've-I've gotta go now Val," I rasp, fumbling my phone as I hang up.

His FiaWhere stories live. Discover now