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My eyes snap open as I hear footsteps thudding towards the room, my body instinctively shrinking into the wall.

I hear someone fumbling with the keys and my body convulses as silent sobs escape my lips.

The door is opened to reveal a large figure now standing in the dark room. A pathetic whimper slips my lips as I try to shrink further into the wall.

I wince as the light is flicked on, the bright light hurting my eyes.

My eyes widen as I see who it is.


Why the fuck did he come back?

He shouldn't have.

He could've just stayed with Kyle.

Oh hunny.

"I'm here my Fia," he says softly, slowly walking up to me as I force myself to sit up, my body tensing as jealousy burns in my stomach.

For some reason I can't feel happy or relieved he's here. I thought I would be, but instead I just feel bitterness. Bitterness I don't want to feel towards him.

His gaze flickers to my injured leg before back up to me, his eyes sad as he takes off his bullet proof vest.

Angry tears start spilling from my eyes as I glare at him. Why did he come back when he could've just stayed with Kyle?

"I'm here now Fia, you're safe," he repeats, going to slide his bullet proof vest over me.

That name feels dirty now.

I shake my head at him, pulling the vest away from me.

"Why are you?" I ask bitterly.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asks, sounding confused.

"I thought you'd be too busy with Kyle," I say coldly, "Even I never moved on that quickly Carlos," I lash out at him, exhaustion and pain from the last few days coming out in a way which makes my heart sink.

He simply stares at me, blinking like a lost child.

He doesn't even have an explanation.

He doesn't need one.

But I fucking want one.

"Don't even fucking bother with an explanation will you?" I snap, standing up with a groan as I grab his gun and start to walk, hobble, out of the room.

"Ophelia, what the fuck?" he snaps back, grabbing my arm and pulling me around to face him. "I don't have the energy for this," I grit out, yanking my arm from his grip, "I assumed if I was yours, you were mine," I taunt.

Wanting to annoy him into yelling at me. Into hurting me so I actually have a reason to hate him, instead of this pathetic jealousy I feel.

"Are you jealous?" he asks, sounding amused as he looks down at me with a smirk.

"No," I lie, "Am I not allowed to get mad when you sleep around? Or are only you allowed to be angry at me for that?" I ask, glaring up at him as I dare him to challenge me.

"Well considering you had left for good I'd say you have no right to get angry, whatever rules we had didn't seem to matter to you when you left at the hospital," he say cooly, walking over to shut the door as heavy footsteps approach.

"That was entirely different circumstances, we weren't even close to where we are right now," I basically shout at him.

"Then why'd you fucking leave again? That's not fair on me Ophelia," Carlos snaps, his eyes swimming with anger.

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