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Carlos sighs as he leans back in his chair, his hands resting on his stomach as the food settles. He burps and his cheeks immediately turn red, causing me to laugh, spitting out my iced coffee.

He opens his eyes and laughs when he sees the coffee running down my face, throwing his head back as the melodic noise fills my ears.

"Shut up," I mutter, wiping my chin with my sleeve before taking my coffee stained jumper off, leaving me in a black lace bra.

Carlos smirks as he looks at me, "You should spill coffee more often," he says, looking me up and down.

"That's so cheesy," I wince, trying not to smile as he looks at me as if I'm the only person in the world. "Everyone likes cheese," he shrugs, pulling his hoodie off and tossing it to me. I slide it on, leaving Carlos in a tight black t-shirt.

"Now who's staring," he teases, standing up and beginning to clear the plates off the table. I roll my eyes and follow him to the kitchen, tired after our long day. I yawn and Carlos smiles at me, putting the dishwasher on before washing his hands.

"Bed?" he asks, not waiting for my response before picking me up and carrying me out of the kitchen and to the spiral staircase up to our room. He closes and locks the door before placing me on the bed, lying down next to me and pulling the covers up.

I go to rest my head on his chest but I'm startled by the sound of screeching outside. I immediately recognise the familiar cry of an owl and hurriedly get out of bed, rushing to unlock the sliding glass doors and leaning over the balcony to spot the bird.

Carlos wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder, obliviously scanning the garden to find whatever it is I'm watching.

"Look at the owl," I whisper, pointing to the magnificent bird in a nearby tree. He hums, kissing my cheek as the owl flies to a closer tree.

"Why do you like owls so much?" he asks, "I remember you saying you wanted a tattoo of one,"

I smile as he remembers such a small detail as I watch the owl.

"Mama and I used to always watch the owls which lived in our backyard. Whenever my Father was out on a business trip we'd have breakfast for dinner and sit outside and watch them as they hunted," I say, remembering the fond memories of Mama and I's time together back in France. Carlos doesn't say anything as he hugs me tighter and I chuckle, "She'd always say the same thing when we watched them,"

"What was that?" Carlos asks, and I smile when I remember back to Mama's tender words.

"The owl symbolises a great transformation. Bringing with its golden eyes an omen of good luck, its wisdom departing onto you as she blinks her eyes and holds your gaze. She respects you, and that is an honour you must hold with you forever,"

I feel Carlos' lips form a smile against my skin, "That's pretty," he murmurs, and I nod as I watch the owl in fascination.

A cold wind sweeps over us and the owl screeches before swooping off. Carlos kisses my cheek and I take the hint and walk back inside. I lie back down in bed as Carlos closes and locks the sliding door, pulling the curtains shut before lying back down beside me. I smile as I realise that he always sleeps on the side of the door, sheltering me from anyone who would enter.

He hugs me to him as I wrap my arms around his torso, resting my head on his chest as the covers engulf is in warmth.

"You know, Christmas is in a few weeks," Carlos says, not for any particular reason. I hum, knowing that I've spent every Christmas with Mama, not wanting to let that tradition die, but also not wanting to leave Carlos again.

"What are you thinking amore?" he asks, looking down at me. "Is it ok if I invite Mama to spend Christmas with us?" I ask, not raising my head in case I'm disappointed at his reply. Instead, he chuckles and kisses my forehead, "Of course, it's been a while since I've had a family Christmas,"

"Don't you spend Christmas with the De Santis'?" I ask, knowing that he's basically a part of their family.

He shakes his head and sighs, "No, I let them celebrate Christmas as just a family each year," he replies, his voice sad. "So this will be your first family Christmas since..." I trail off, not knowing exactly how long he's been estranged from his family.

Carlos shrugs, "I don't know, a fair few," he says simply, and I feel my heart break for him. "We'll make this one extra special then," I decide, making a mental note to make sure this is the best Christmas he ever has.

"Sounds perfect," he whispers, and I feel his body relax as he lets out a contented sigh.

The idea of a small family Christmas seems appealing, but who knows what the new year will bring. Carlos and I are still unsure of what exactly we are, but for now that's a problem for another day. For now I'm happy with where we're at.



sorry for such a short chapter, i have rly bad writers block but felt like i owed u guys a chapter since i haven't been posting recently.

i'm still trying to figure out where i want this book to go but i think it'll be shorter than my last,

i have a really busy couple of weeks coming up, but i'll still try to post semi regularly, so until then have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!!

Abi <3

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