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"Since you killed my Dad it's only fair that I kill yours," I bargain, looking evenly at my Fia as she looks at me with a concerned expression.

"Are you sure you're handling this well?" she almost laughs.

"Never been better," I shoot her a wink as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at your boyfriend, it's rude," I say firmly, pulling her onto my lap from where she was sitting on our bed.

"I'm sure you'll live with it," she mutters.

"What if I die? Because you were mean to me?" I groan, squeezing her tightly as she gasps with laughter.

"You're such an ass," she laughs, swatting my face away with a gentle hand.

"Rude," I huff, crossing my arms over my chest like a spoiled child.

"Aww you big baby," Fia laughs, taking my face in her hands as she scatters kisses over my face.

I can't help the wide grin which spreads across my face as I uncross my arms and gently hug my Fia.

She lets out a sigh as she slides off me, resting her head in my lap as she lies down.

"I think it is fair, a parent for a parent," she chuckles, her tired eyes closing.

I hum in response, combing my fingers through her hair as her eyes flutter shut.

"I love you," I whisper, smiling down at the peaceful girl.

"I love you too," her voice is soft, relaxed even.

"How are we going to get rid of him?" she asks, her voice suddenly small, as if realising what we've started.

"I'm not entirely sure yet," I confess, my voice a whisper as I look down to see her once peaceful face now scared.

"But we'll do it together and it'll be ok," I make a promise I'm not even sure that I can keep.

She hums in response, her hand coming up to fiddle with her necklace, lacing her fingers through the gold chain.

Her eyes open when her phone pings, sitting up as she reaches across the bed for it.

My gaze hardens when her eyes widen in fear, coming up to meet mine as the familiar look of terror floods her face.

"How does he keep finding me?" she chokes out, her hand flying to her face to wipe away a tear which escaped her eye.

I grab the phone off her and I feel anger course through me as I see the messages from an unknown number.

No Caller ID

No Caller ID: Did you really think killing them would stop me?

No Caller ID: Your locked doors won't stop me fille

No Caller ID: I hope your little boytoy is willing to sacrifice himself for a whore like you

No Caller ID: I'm coming for you, and I will have you, you pussy

I toss her phone out of sight as I pull my Fia into my lap, tears now flowing from her eyes as she begins to tremble.

"How does he keep finding me?" her words come out in a sob as her breathing quickens.

"I don't know, but it's not happening anymore, I won't let him," I say firmly, my hands running up and down her back in an attempt to calm her down.

His FiaWhere stories live. Discover now