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I let out a contended sigh when my bullet lodges itself perfectly into my target's head, my final hit done.

I carefully dissemble my sniper and pack it back into my duffel. I walk again to the other side of the roof and slide down the ladder, slinging my duffel over my shoulder.

My phone pings and I instantly recognise the noise.

My security app.

I click the notification and go into the app, which is connected to my home security and all my security cameras, in and around my apartment.

There's someone in my fucking house.

I quickly scan all the cameras in my rooms and see that there's only 1 man, in my fucking bedroom. I almost scoff as I see him hiding in my walk-in robe, armed with a single gun and a cloth in his hand.

What is this? Fucking amateur hour.

How fucking original to hide in my closet and try to chloroform me.

I sigh and get onto my motorbike, revving the engine as I start the 5 minute ride back home.

Home to beat a bitch up.

I switch my gaze from the road and my phone, making sure it stays as just the 1 man in my house. I could definitely take on more than just 1 but I can't bothered right now.

I quickly make it home and lose no time in entering through the back door, scanning the cameras on my phone. I see the man stiffen when I close the door, and he stiffens further when I walk as loudly as I can, my boots clicking against the tiles as I stalk up to my bedroom, my gun out.

As I approach my bedroom door I check to see the man still in my closet.

God this guy is such a rookie, it almost makes me laugh.

I open the door and lean against the wall beside it, crossing my arms against my chest as I bring a leg up to rest against the wall.

I toss my phone on my bed as I keep my gun in my hand. "You can come out now," I call out, a small smirk on my lips.

I hear a small commotion before the door opens from the inside of my closet a man dressed in all black emerges. His gun is pointed at me as his other hand is preoccupied with the cloth.

I roll my eyes as I swiftly bring my gun up to shoot his hand, causing him to curse as he drops his gun. He makes a run at me but I quickly grab his shoulders and lead him into the wall, cruelly twisting his arm until I hear a snap and he drops the cloth. He lets out a string of curse words as he turns around and I bring my knee up to his crotch and out of instinct his fist comes up.

I catch his hand midair as he goes to punch me and I twist until his wrist cracks. "Thomas I need backup," he groans. My eyes flicker to his ear as I see a com. I grab at it and rip it out of his ear, dropping it to the floor before crushing it with the heel of my boot. I hear someone clambering through my window and I deliver a final punch to the man in front me before turning around to face the second man.

He raises his gun and shoots, I duck and the bullet lands in the wall behind me. I make a run at the guy before I feel myself being harshly pulled back by my hair.

My eyes roll back in pain as I'm held back and the second guy, Thomas, punches me in the stomach. I bring my foot up behind me and kick the first guy in the dick again, his grip on my hair loosening. I grab Thomas' wrist and point his gun towards the roof, bringing my foot down hard on his foot, causing him to grunt as I knee him in the dick, his grip on his gun loosening as he cradles his bruised body.

I twist his wrist and manage to get his gun out of his grasp, shooting him in the knee before turning around and doing the same to the first guy. I shoot the first guys' other kneecap, causing him to fall to the ground, completely defenceless and harmless. I turn to face Thomas, who's face is contorted with pain as I send a bullet flying to his shoulder. I scoff when he clutches at his shoulder and stumbles to the ground.

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