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So here I am, cuddled with Fia on the couch with our cookies on the table, watching every Christmas movie under the sun with her.

I'm not really complaining, any time with my Fia is good. She insisted we start with Home Alone, and honestly, with that many kids, I don't blame Kevin's parents for forgetting him.

"Can you get me an M&M cookie?" Fia asks, tapping my knee over the blanket, I nod and reach forward, grabbing the cookie then giving it to her. "Thanks," she mumbles, taking a bite of the cookie.

I try to stifle a yawn but Fia looks up at me with a concerned look, her gaze staying on me for a moment before turning her attention back to the movie.

I couldn't get to sleep last night, I spent the entire night overthinking what we are and what the fuck we're doing. Getting a text from my brother challenging my leadership of the Mafia didn't help either, but I tried to set it aside and paint it as a problem for another day.

He told me to step down as Don and let him lead instead, telling me that Mateo and Alejandra support his decision; as if that would convince me. He said said that if I don't step down then they'd take the leadership away from me.

By take away leadership they mean kill me. Something which usually wouldn't phase me, as I've had my share of death threats, but with Ophelia in the picture it complicates things. Especially because I know they're working with Claude and would hurt my Fia to get to me.

I don't want to tell Fia about it because she doesn't need any more problems with her father at the moment. Not when we just got a safe place, that just wouldn't be fair on her.

In all honesty, I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to give away our position, even to Luca, because even just one person knowing could jeopardise us and our safety.

I yawn again and Fia lets out a sigh, removing her head from my shoulder and lying down slightly on the couch. She pats her chest and I take the hint and lie down, resting my head on her chest as I put my arms around her. She wraps her arms around me and one of her hands falls to my hair, playing with it as I close my eyes.

I let my Fia's breathing guide mine and try to relax, blocking out the memories of my parents which are threatening to take over my mind. But the more I think about the situation the more the memories persist, playing over and over in my head as their cruel words make their way to me.

I close my eyes tighter as my breathing quickens, hanging onto Fia tighter as if I'm scared she'll disappear, as if she'll leave me and hurt me too.

"Carlos?" my Fia's soft voice echoes like a sound in a dark cave, near enough to hear but not close enough to hold on to.

It shouldn't even matter what they say. It doesn't matter what they say. They told me I'm no son of theirs, making them no parents of mine. They're strangers. And since when did I give a fuck about what strangers say to me?

"You're no son of mine," my Father says cooly, his eyes filled with hate as he looks at me in disgust. "I refuse to be connected to a son who's so soft like that, you're a fucking embarrassment.

"Carlos?" my Fia's sweet voice returns, her hand running up and down my back as I start fighting to draw a breath into my lungs.

"Don't you swear at me, I am your goddamn Father!" he shouts,

My Father's words deafen Ophelia's voice, the only voice I can hear now.

"I never want to see your face on my property again, come back and I'll kill you on the spot, I never want to see you step foot in any of our houses again."

His FiaWhere stories live. Discover now