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I twirl the necklace in my hand, letting the gold chain lace itself between my fingers, unsure of how to feel about it.

It's beautiful, breathtaking even, but it's so much. As 2 people who label themselves as just friends, it is a bit excessive. The thoughtfulness behind it scares me.

I don't want to sound ungrateful, because I'm not, I fucking love it, it's just so meaningful it spooks me.

It scares me that he's getting too close, scares me that I'm letting him in too much. I'm falling for him faster than I ever have before, simply because I'm letting myself. I never allowed myself to get this close to him in the past, always putting distance between us to stop myself from getting hurt.

It's a selfish thing to do, I know that, but in this world you have to look out for yourself or no one will. I can't let myself get hurt by a man like Mama did.

She thought my Father was the love of her life, and look how that turned out.

I sigh and drop the necklace in the bag alongside all my other jewellery, zipping it up before placing it in my suitcase.

"You're really coming with me?" Mama sighs, rolling her suitcase into my room. I nod and drop my eyes to the floor as she frowns. "You're leaving Carlos again?" she asks more softly this time.

"No," I say bitterly, "I just want to visit Adelyn, I haven't seen her in a while," I mumble.

Mama hums, obviously not believing me as she helps me zip up my suitcase, pausing when the sound of Carlos' approaching footsteps become louder.

"I'll just be downstairs chérie," she whispers, kissing my cheek before walking out of the room.

"Ready to drive your Mom to-" Carlos' cheery voice stops as he sees me. "Tell me she just has a lot of shit," he says quietly.

I shake my head and look up at him, "I'm going back to France for a bit, just to see Adelyn," I say hurriedly, trying to defend myself.

He shakes his head as he walks over to me and sits down beside me. "Don't do that Fia, we all know you won't come back once you leave this time," he whispers.

"Maybe that's for the best?" I suggest, the familiar dread from all those other times creeping into my stomach.

His eyes widen as he looks at me, pain filling his blue eyes as he remains unsure of what to say.

"My Fia don't leave again," he whispers, raising a hand to cup my cheek.

"Carlos we both knew this wouldn't last forever," I say quietly, guilt washing through me.

He shakes his head at me, "Don't leave me again Ophelia," he repeats, tears now pricking my eyes.

"I have to," I say, trying to get him to understand as tears start spilling out of my eyes.

He wraps his arms around me and brings me in for a hug, "No you don't Fia," he says, his voice breaking, "We can figure this out, we always do," his voice begging me to stay.

"I don't want to figure it out this time," I whisper, "We've tried this before and it always ends the same way every time. We end up hurting each other and it's exhausting,"

"It doesn't have to end the same way this time, I don't want it to," Carlos says persistently, "Let's make this work Fia," he says gently, smiling sadly at me as he knows we won't.

"We're better off without each other," I say quietly, standing up and taking hold of my suitcase.

Carlos looks at me with an unreadable expression and simply nods, "I'll drive you to the airport now," he says, walking out of the room without a second glance.

My lip trembles as I watch him leave, biting my tongue to stop myself from crying. I hear Mama and Carlos talking outside before Mama appears, "We won't make Carlos drive us chérie, I'll drive," she says pleasantly, taking hold of her suitcase before I follow her downstairs.

"Thank you for everything mon fils," Mama smiles, hugging Carlos tightly as he hugs her back.

Mama opens the door and smiles at me, "I'll be in the car chérie," she says softly, smiling one last time at Carlos before turning around and trudging through the snow.

I watch Mama leave, now unsure of what to say or do. My eyes flutter shut when I feel Carlos' hand grasp the back of my neck, his fingers curling around my throat as his breath hits my skin.

"Don't forget who you belong to Ophelia, you're mine. Mine to touch, mine to fuck, mine to hurt," his voice is a whisper as his tone is a threat, warning me against forgetting those words.

His grip tightens as his voice becomes a low growl, "Understood?" he asks. I nod and a whimper escapes my lips as his hands wrap tighter around my throat yet again.

He doesn't say anything more as he roughly lets my neck go and walks away, leaving me standing in the doorway.

I wipe my face and try to erase any trace of the tears which are now falling down my face before walking out of the house and closing the door.

I let the cold air flush my face before putting on a smile and walking over to the car, loading my suitcase in the backseat before opening the passenger side door and getting in.

"Everything ok?" Mama asks, furrowing her eyebrows at me, I smile and nod, "We're all good," I lie.

Mama nods and starts the car, driving down the driveway and onto the icy road.

"I think that's goodbye for good," I murmur, looking out the window and not daring to make eye contact with her.

Mama sighs, "Don't let what happened to your Father and I get in the way of your relationships,"

"He messaged me last night again," I say bitterly, spitting out the words as I remember the newest words from my Father.

Don't get too comfy with your little boytoy. If you two stay together neither of you will make it to the New Year.

He threatened me with Carlos.

I can live with him threatening me, but I'm not willing to risk Carlos' life simply because of my family issues.

"What did he say?" Mama asks, her voice thick with guilt.

I shrug, "Just the usual shit, nothing of concern," I lie yet again.

"Just getting his butt hurt?" Mama chuckles, the way she bags out her ex-husband making me smile.

"Exactly that," I sigh, smiling as I lean back in my seat.

Mama hums in response, leaving us in a comfortable silence as we both think of what's to come.

It's safer for both Carlos and I to be apart, I'm not letting him be killed simply because of my Father's anger. That's not fair on him.

As much as I hate it, I care too deeply about him to let that happen.



Sorry i haven't updated in a while, i haven't been well over the past few days, but now i'm slightly better and on holidays so i can update more,

Tomorrow Eras Tour presale tickets are released so you won't hear from me tomorrow, but WISH ME LUCK BECAUSE IF I GET THEM I'LL BE IN A GOOD MOOD AND UPDATE EVERY DAY FOR A WEEK I SWEAR (but if I don't get them I'll go into a depressive state for the next year)

So pray to Taylor Swift for me 🕯️🙏🕯️

Anyways, i'll tell you guys how it goes, but until then have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!!

Abi <3

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