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"I'm so nervous," I say, leaning into Carlos' chest as we walk to Mama's front door.

"Why?" Carlos chuckles, leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"I don't know, she's going to be so excited, but I still feel nervous," I ramble, looking up at Carlos as he smiles down at me.

"I'm going to be with you the whole time," he murmurs, "I still can't believe I'm going to be a Dad," he says, his voice shaking with excitement.

I let out a laugh but immediately frown when I see the front door open.

"Why is her door open?" I ask nervously, my body stiffening.

"Maybe she just came home?" Carlos says, his voice unsure as I watch him reach for him gun.

I hum in response, pushing the door open further as we walk inside.

"Mama?" I call out, my heart racing as there's no reply.

"Clarisse?" Carlos calls out, tightening his grip on my waist as I try to walk away.

"We stay together," he says firmly, I nod as my mouth goes dry.

"Where is she?" I ask, starting to panic.

"We'll search the house, maybe she just fell down and can't get up," Carlos suggests, his eyes emotionless, hiding the fear I know he's hiding.

My panic only grows as we search the house, each room empty, no sign of life or struggle.

"Are there cameras we can look at?" Carlos asks, tracing circles on my stomach as I bite my tongue.

"Yeah at the front entrance," I rasp.

Where the fuck is she?

I clutch onto Carlos' shirt as he presses a kiss onto my forehead, "Let's check the footage Fia, that'll show us what happened," he says.

I nod as I follow him to the front entrance, trying to calm my nerves.

She probably just went out and forgot to close the door?

Then why is her car still in the carport?

She probably just went for a walk.

Mama likes going on walks in the morning, she says it's the best way to start your day.

Yes, that's why happened, she went for a walk and didn't close the door properly.

She probably just forgot, it happens sometimes. Doesn't it?

I take a deep breath as we make it back to the front entrance, looking at the screen showing all the cameras in the house.

It's going to be fine. Mama just went on a walk and forgot to shut the front door.

It's going to be ok.

She'll probably walk straight back in any minute now, and I'll get to tell her she's going to be a Grandma, and it'll all be ok again.

I lean against Carlos as he flicks through the security cameras, his breath hitching as he freezes.

"What?" I ask, panic suddenly flooding through me.

"At least we know who took her," he whispers, pausing the footage.

I feel my stomach flip when I look at the footage, watching my father knocking on the front door, only to raise a gun as soon as Mama opens it.

My hand covers my mouth as I watch him lead her to his car, Mama not protesting as a gun is shoved into her head.

"Why would he take her?" I whisper, looking at Carlos as my eyes widen with fear.

"I don't know," he breathes out, shaking his head as he looks at me, his hands cupping my face.

"But we're going to get her back, I promise you we'll find her," he says calmly, his eyes softening as my eyes full with tears.

"Why does he have her?" I repeat, my mind replaying all those nights I spent listening to him yell at Mama, how I'd wake up to fresh bruises on her body.

"Breathe for me Fia," Carlos says quietly, "In and out," he says.

I nod as my breathing only quickens, "I don't like this Carlos," I say in a small voice, "He's going to hurt her,"

"We're going to get her back Fia," Carlos repeats, pulling me in for a hug as I bite my tongue, trying to keep my tears at bay.

"Breathe for me Fia," Carlos says softly, pressing small kisses into my temple as I nod, knowing there's no use in panicking.

"We don't even know where he took her," I cry, wiping as my tears as Carlos pulls back, taking my face in his hands once more.

"Do you know of any properties he owns near here?" he asks, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"No," I shake my head, looking at Carlos as my body begins to tremble.

"Ok," he breathes out, "We know which way he went, so I'll call Luca to help us,"

I nod frantically, "Carlos we have to find her," I plead, "I can't do this without her," my voice is barely audible as his eyes soften.

"You won't have to, we'll find her," he whispers, kissing my forehead as I nod again, trying to reassure myself that it'll be ok.

"Let's call Luca," I say, trying to put on a smile as Carlos nods.

Suddenly Carlos' phone rings, "It's Lukie, that's a good sign," he smiles, answering and putting his phone on speaker.

"What is it hermano?" Carlos asks, and I smile as he calls Luca brother.

"We caught one of Claude's men last night," Luca says, his words filling me with hope.

"He just took Clarisse, but we don't know where to," Carlos says quietly, pulling me in for a hug.

I hug him back as I hear Luca suck in a sharp breath, "We got some information out of him, including an estate he's been using, I'll send you the address," he says,

"Thanks hermano," Carlos says, clicking onto the link Luca just sent him.

"It's a 20 minute drive from here, he's probably keeping her there," Carlos tells me gently.

"We're going now," I say, looking at Carlos as I narrow my eyes at him, daring him to challenge my decision.

"It's a half hour drive from our place, we'll leave now and meet you there," Luca says, and I nod as I look at Carlos.

"We'll meet you there," Carlos says,

"Good luck fratello," Luca says before Carlos hangs up.

"Are you sure if it's a good idea that you come too?" Carlos asks me, "I don't want to put you in any danger,"

"Carlos I'm going," I say firmly, narrowing my eyes as he sighs.

"There's no way I can stop you, is there?" he asks, chuckling as I flash him a smile.

"Nope, so let's go back to the house and gear up," I say, pulling at his hand as we walk back out to the car.

We're coming Mama.


I know this chapter was short, but I decided to kind of drag this next part out, so there'll be a few shorter chapter instead of like 1 or 2 really long ones,

Next chapter will be out soon, so until then, have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!!

Abi <3

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