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I sigh as I pace the room for what feels like the millionth time, like an animal in a zoo captured without any certain outcome.

I don't know what's happening and it's driving me insane, I don't know if anyone's looking for me and it's pissing me off.

The door opens and I freeze, watching as Carlos' brother enters the room with a phone in his hand.

He sees me and as usual undresses me with his eyes. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, almost laughing at how my heels make me taller than him.

We know who got the good genes out of the two of them.

"Looks like he isn't coming to get you," he smirks, showing me his phone.

My eyes narrow at the screen as I see a photo of Kyle from Adelyn's cafe walking into Carlos' estate. His brother swipes to reveal another photo of Kyle leaving the house, hickeys on his neck as he has a smug look on his face.

How did he move on so soon?

"Did you really think he'd keep a slut like you?" he whispers, looking up at me as his eyes dance with amusement.

Without thinking I raise my fist and slam it into his stupid fucking face, over and over again until it's almost unrecognisable due to the blood pouring out of his now broken nose.

I grab his collar and slam him into the wall, punching his stomach as I raise my knee and kick him where the sun don't shine.

"Guards," he rasps, coughing up blood as I let him fall to the ground.

I kick his stomach again and suddenly a loud shot goes off. My eyes roll back in pain as I feel a bullet wedge itself in the side of my leg, forcing me to the ground as Carlos' brother gets up.

He suddenly grabs my chin and forces me to look at him, "You don't fuck with Diego fucking Salvatore," he grits out before bringing his foot down on the bullet wound and walking out of the room.

I groan in pain as I take my jacket off and tie it tightly around my leg before forcing myself to stand up and hobble over to the uncomfortable bed.

I let out another groan as my leg falls down hard on the bed, hissing in pain as I tie my jacket tighter around the wound.

"Motherfucker," I groan, my head falling back to hit the hard wall.

My eyes close as I try to calm my breathing, trying not to focus on the pain in my leg and instead Carlos and Kyle.

I shouldn't care. I don't fucking care. I left him, he's not my boyfriend, I can't get pissed if he sleeps with other people.

I don't care.

He said he was mine, and I've never been one to share what's mine. But I can't get mad.

Fuck it's almost hypocritical of me to be mad, but then again we weren't nearly as close or serious the last time that I left, and I was always too drunk to register my actions.

But I can't use being drunk as an excuse, I still slept with other people, and once again, we're not together. We never were together. So I can't be mad.

But for some reason it still hurts. The day after I left he hooks up with someone. And with someone who I would consider a friend. I mean I'm not close with Kyle, but it's still shitty on his behalf.

I sigh as I realise I'm trying to pin the blame on someone else again. It's my fault, my fault for leaving.

As much as I try to, I just can't be mad at Carlos, I have no reason to. He's been nothing but good to me, and in return? I fuck him over.

He was sunshine, I was midnight rain.

Not the time.

I've stayed 2 nights here already, leaving me with 3 more until I'm supposed to be 'handed off' to my Father. I think I'd rather just be killed.

Especially because this time I can't call Carlos for help.

I feel a pathetic tear drip down my face as I remember the last time my Father decided to visit me. And how Carlos dropped everything and came to my rescue, defending me and then calming me down and taking me back to his estate.

I bring a knee up to my chest and bury my face in my hands, trying to calm myself down as sobs threaten to escape my lips.

This is so fucking pathetic.

Ophelia Aubert trapped in a room with no way out, no one to rescue me and no one to blame but myself.

This is so fucking ridiculous.

I suddenly remember the camera in the room, pointing directly at the bed. I stiffen and quickly wipe my face before lifting my head and taking in a deep breath.

I exhale and let a calm smile settle on my face, putting up the same old facade that everything is fine. I'm fine. I have a plan, I know what I'm doing.

Do you?



I'll work something out. I always do.

I lean back and try to think of all possible scenarios right now.

I was with Adelyn, which means she would have told Luca. I know he does whatever she says, and she would be livid if he didn't try to find me.

So there's at least Luca and his Mafia trying to find me.

But do they even know about the new alliance between my Father and Carlos' parents? I don't think they do, meaning they wouldn't even know where to start.

There's always the possibility that Luca told Carlos, but that doesn't mean he would actually do anything to help. We're not exactly on speaking terms.

And the fact that the price of my safety and return is leadership of the Spanish Mafia, which I know Carlos would never give up. Even for me.

He's worked too hard and fought so much to get to where he is right now, and he's not going to give that up any time soon.

I don't want him to, it's too dangerous to hand over leadership to someone as fragile and plain stupid as Diego.

Like the parrot in Aladdin.

Exactly, you don't give up control to a sidekick.

You must've hit your head somewhere to be saying shit like that.

I think I did...

I sigh and try to get comfortable in the awkward sitting position I'm in, the pain from my leg making my head ache.

I close my eyes and my mind wanders back to Carlos. Back to all the times he held and comforted me.

Fuck I would kill everyone in this world to be in his arms again. To have that safety again.

But I don't want him anymore. I left, and he moved on.

Kyle can have him now for all I care. Carlos made it obvious that he's fine by my absence. He made his choice like I made mine.


So short chapter, but it was mainly an admin kinda one for Ophelia since she's kinda be kept out of the loop,

But next chapter will be out tomorrow, so until then have a good day/night and don't forget to vote!!

Abi <3

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