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My Fia's joyful squeal fills the cool air as another one of my snowballs hits her.

She gasps at the coldness of the snow before swiftly assembling another snowball and hurling in my direction.

I quickly dodge it but stumble over a bush, landing in a heap of snow as Fia throws snowball after snowball at me.

"That's cheating!" I gasp, snow dripping down my neck as I try to shake it all off. "No it's not you sore loser," she teases, clutching her stomach as she laughs.

I get up and make a run at her, wrapping my arms around her torso and gently pushing her to the ground. She squeals again and pulls me down with her, landing in the cushiony snow as I land on top of her.

She laughs again, her pretty eyes shining as she wraps her arms around my neck. I chuckle and lean down to kiss her, my gloved hand wrapping around her neck as I pull her closer.

Our lips move together as I smile into the kiss, my smile soon turning into a frown as I jump up when she smashes a snowball on the back of my neck.

I scoop the snow out and toss it carelessly on her as she lies in the snow paralysed with laughter. She points at me as no words come out of her lips, pure laughter being the only sound I can hear.

I sit down and glare at her, only making her laugh harder.

We both fell asleep last night on the couch and when we woke up it was snowing so my Fia had the idea of spending the day outside.

"Let's make a snowman!" she suddenly gasps, jumping up and attempting to pull me up with her. I grunt and stand up, brushing the snow off me as Fia starts rolling a snowball together.

I copy her and start rolling together the base, heaping snow together and attempting to make the correct shape.

After a few minutes of work, we roll the 3 balls of snow beside each other. Fia dusts her hands off and looks proudly at her work.

I grunt as I lift one and place it on the base I made, Fia lifting the head and finishing off our snowman.

She snatches my beanie off my head and adorns our snowman with it, removing her scarf and wrapping it around its non-existent neck. I go to the bush I tripped over and snap off two branches, giving one to Fia as we make arms for him.

"Give me a minute," Fia says, running back inside no doubt to get a carrot. I walk over to the wood box and dig to the bottom to find some coal, grabbing a bunch and dropping it at the base of our snowman.

I carefully form a face for the snowman and smile when I admire my work. I turn around when I hear my Fia trudging back through the snow, carrot in hand.

I look an arm around her waist as she shoves it in the centre of the snowman's face, leaning back into me as we admire our work.

"We should name him," I suggest, looking down at the blushing girl. She hums in response and nods, obviously deep in thought.

"Olad, he can be Olaf's brother," she says. I wince at the awful name but nod, "Perfect" I murmur, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

She smiles as she wraps her arms around my torso. We stand there for a minute, admiring the scene before us, the tall trees illuminating light in the dark sky. I frown when a few droplets of rain begin to fall from the sky, sending fresh shivers down my spine.

"Let's go inside amore," I say quietly, turning to go back inside as she follows me. When we get inside I close and lock the back door, kicking off my shoes as she does the same.

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