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I have slept too much over the past week, every single day we wake up late, have breakfast and then I just go back to sleep.

Although to be fair, I had 3 nights of barely any sleep, and that sleep was constantly disruptive.

I feel bad for Carlos since he's been by my side every minute of the last week, but he says he's happy to do so, and that he's glad I'm getting rest.

My leg still isn't fully healed, it wasn't looked after properly when I was shot, so it's taking much longer than I would've liked.

As usual I feel asleep after breakfast this morning, and now it's 10pm and I'm awake.

I sigh and roll over, trying to fall back asleep, something which I've become good at.

I feel Carlos stir beside me and smile when he sits up, his arms not leaving me as he does so.
"Everything alright my Fia?" he rasps, his voice sending butterflies swarming my stomach.

I sit myself up and lean against him, placing my legs in his lap as I nod. "I'm not tired anymore," I murmur, goosebumps forming on my skin as he traces lines on my legs.

He chuckled and rests his head against mine, his lips lingering on my forehead.

It feels like every second of every day that I think back to what he said to me in that hallway.

How he loved me. He didn't say it outright, but it still counts right?

I hope he doesn't think I said it back just because he said it, because I didn't.

As much as I try to deny it, I love Carlos Salvatore.

I've tried to stop myself from falling but I can't help it, and every moment I spend with him I just fall harder.

"What are you thinking about my Fia?" he asks lazily, looking down at me as his hand stops on my thigh.

"Did you mean what you said the other day?" I ask, looking up at him.

"What did I say?" he asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

"About me being the one person you love," I say nervously.

"Amore I meant every word of that," he smiles sadly at me.

I smile at him, "Say it again,"

"Say what again?"

"That you love me,"

He chuckles lightly and leans down to gently kiss my lips, "I love you Ophelia,"

I feel as though my entire body melts, like a schoolgirl with a crush as I look up at him.

"I love you Carlos," I whisper, placing myself on his lap as I kiss him.

His hands fall to my waist as he kisses me back gently, smiling against each others lips as they move slowly against each other.

My hands fall to the rim of his pyjama pants and he chuckles, "Not until your leg is fully healed," he murmurs, taking my hands in his.

"Rude," I mutter, smiling as I continue to kiss him.

He chuckles again as he starts slowly kissing down my neck, "What do you want me to do to you Fia?" he asks, sucking at the base of my neck.

My eyes flutter shut as my hands tangle in his hair, "I want you to fuck me," I answer stubbornly.

"Not until you're fully healed amore," he clicks his tongue disapprovingly, "So I ask again, what do you want me to do to you?"

"Go down on me," I reply, letting out a breathless moan as he starts sucking at my weak spot.

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