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"Welcome home my Fia," Carlos laughs, flinging the door open to his -our- estate in Spain.

"Home sweet home," I sigh, clasping my hands together and batting my eyelashes at him.

He laughs and pulls me into a hug, "We should make a nursery," he suddenly gasps, his eyes lighting up and he pulls away from me.

"I'm only one month pregnant," I laugh, his enthusiasm making my heart melt.

"So we're already a month down," he says in a shocked voice, "We need to hurry,"

"How about we settle in first," I suggest, narrowing my eyes playfully at him.

"Ok, but we start planning for it next week," he bargains, "Deal," I agree, excitement bubbling in my stomach.

"Let's put out stuff away and then think about what we want for dinner," Carlos says, pulling me to his side as we walk up the stairs.

"Donna comes back from her holiday tomorrow," he chuckles, "She's going to be so excited that you're pregnant,"

"How long was she on holidays for?" I ask, reading so much has happened since I last saw the kindly woman.

"I gave her 3 months," he says.

"We've been married and gotten pregnant since she left," I giggle, "She'll be shocked,"

"I'd say she will be ecstatic," Carlos laughs softly.

I can't help but laugh as I picture her reaction, smiling as we walk down the hallway to our room.

I let out a sigh as I look around the familiar room, a sense of peace washing over me.

"Finally home," I murmur, sitting on the couch as I smile at Carlos.

"Home forever," he says softly, reaching down to kiss my forehead.

His lips linger as he interlocks our fingers, my eyes closing as his thumb traces over my hand.

"How about we have a shower?" he asks, gently pulling me up as I nod.

We walk into the ensuite and Carlos shuts the door, turning on the shower as I undress.

I can't help but grin as I see my growing baby bump in the mirror.

"I can't wait to meet you," Carlos whispers, crouching down as he gently kisses my stomach.

I laugh as I tilt Carlos' head up, "You're going to be such a good dad," I say, excitement bubbling through me.

He grins ear to ear at me as he stands up, pulling me in for a bear hug, "I can't wait to have a little family with you Fia," he says.

I love this man so much.


"You look good in my clothes, you should wear them more often," Carlos smirks at me, his eyes lighting up as I roll his sweats up once more, trying to make them fit me better.

"Careful what you wish for," I say dryly, knowing damn well I would live in his clothes if he let me.

He shrugs, pulling me to his side, "Breakfast for dinner?" he asks.

His FiaWhere stories live. Discover now