Chapter 1

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Oliver's POV

I walk around the pack lands, trying to get away from all the noise that my little siblings are making.

My head is full of thoughts, as almost every time that I'm by myself.

I wonder what my mate will look like, I already know that it's a man, since I'm an Omega, unfortunately.

I hope that he will be a lot older, and that he has completed the basic training, he has to do it before he can take me outside of the pack lands, and it takes years.

I can't wait to see the outside world, almost all of my siblings will be able to go into the city, when they will turn sixteen, except me and Alex, and that's because we are Omegas.

Well, Alex isn't an Omega, but he is considered one, since he's looks like an Omega.

Our laws aren't very good for Omega, my father, who is an Alpha, says that they are, and that all the laws that are restricting for us, are for our safety.

There might be a little bit of truth in what he says, but I still disagree with his reasons.

But sadly there's not much that I can do about it, since there isn't any way that I could convince him to think otherwise, he's too stubborn.

And to make the matters worse, one of my brothers will be taking his position in a few years, and they hate me, so I expect the laws to change drastically, when that will happen.

But at least now I have friends, so there are people that are ready to support me no matter what, and I'm very grateful for them, since the Omegas usually stick together, because no one wants to be friends with us.

But to my luck there isn't any Omega that is close to my age, at least not in our pack, and that made me have no friends, until only a few months ago, when I met my current friends.

That's when people also stopped to force me to do things for them, and threatening to beat me if I refuse.

At least Alex will have friends, there are about five more Omegas that are near his age, so when he will get older, he hopefully will be able to be friends with at least one of them.

Thankfully, I have a big loving family, well, more like loving parents, their other mate, and some annoying siblings, and they definitely don't let me feel lonely, even when I want to.

"Do I really have..." I start to say to myself, while turning my gaze up towards the darkening sky. "To be an Omega?" I ask the Moon Goddess.

I don't get any answer, and I honestly wasn't expecting one, I have asked her this question a million times before, and she never told me anything.

I sigh in disappointment, and I turn back to go back to my family house.

When I get there, I quickly run up the stairs, taking Alex on my way, and I lock myself in my room to cuddle with him.

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