Chapter 13

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Edward's POV

I wake up, and I open my eyes, but I regret it instantly.

I had too much alcohol, and now I sadly have to suffer through the hangover.

I close my eyes, before I rub my hands over them, then I open them again.

It didn't help with the headache, but at least now I can see propelly.

Someome touches my arm, and I realise that someone is laying on my chest, while I'm laying on the couch.

I look down to see that Oliver is awake too, he didnt drink much, just a few sips from my bottle, so I doubt that he is hangover too.

"Are you alright?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He says with a yawn.

"I can't even remember how I got here." I tell him, with a small laugh.

"You have fallen on the ground at least five times, but you managed to reach the couch." He tells me, and I laugh again.

"It's good that we decided to leave Alex with a babysitter." I tell him, we were wondering if we should take Alex with us, and we were going to, but at the last moment, I decided that it will be a better to leave him with a babysitter.

"Yeah, but we should go, and pick him up." He says, and I nod in agreement.

Usually, werewolves don't get hangovers, and they don't stay drunk for very long, but I struggle with handling alcohol, which is not fair, but I can't do anything about it, so I just accepted it.

But that's the reason that I don't drink as much as my friends do, I only drink occasionally.

"Alright, let's pick him up, my family will be here in a few hours." I say.

I wait for Oliver to get on his feet, and then I sit up, and I rub my eyes again, before I stretch my arms, and then I finally stand up.

We eat breakfast first, and then we go to the pack house, on our way there I call the babysitter, to let him know that we want to take Alex back.

We meet at the entrance of the pack house, and Oliver takes Alex, and eh thanks the young man that Alex was staying with.

Then we go back to my house, and we only manage to sit back on the couch, before the door bell rings, letting us know that my family is already here.

I open the door, and I let my parents and siblings inside.

They all greet me with a hug, before I lead them to the living room to introduce them to my mate, and Alex.

They hug them both, and Alex runs toward me, most likely not used to meeting this many new people at once.

My mom tells Oliver how cute he looks, making him blush, and I smile at him when he meets my gaze.

My siblings ask Oliver million questions that he answers happily.

Oliver and I spend the rest of the day hanging out with my family in the living room, until they finally get enough of us, and they leave us to ourselves.

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