Chapter 18

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Oliver's POV

Alex is missing our parents and siblings, he doesn't know many words yet, since he's not even two, but he knows how to say papa, dad, tata, and Xan, which is short for Xander, the name of his twin.

He also knows a few more random words, but that are the words that he uses all today long today, and I don't know what to do to make him forget it.

"We should make him busy, so he won't have time to think about anything." I tell Edward.

"Yeah, how about we get him to play with Evan's daughter?" He asks me.

From what the babysitter told us, Alex doesnt like to play with other kids that are his age, he prefers to sit with him, or play alone.

"Yeah, maybe he will like her." I tell him.

"I will tell Evan to come here, if he's free." He tells me, and I nod, so he takes out his phone to call Evan.

They talk for a bit, but finally they seem to have come to an agreement, so he hungs up, and he puts his phone away with a smile.

"He said that he will be here in about half an hour." He tells me.

"Fine." I say, as I look at Alex, who eating his snacks.

"You want to play with Mia?" Edward asks Alex excitedly, he have gotten a lot better at taking care of the kid.

"No, Xan." He says with teary eyes.

I look at him sadly, but I know that it will be better for him to grow up here in the end.

"He will forget, he's just a toddler, there's no way he will remember them in a few months." Edward assures, and I know that it's truth.

A few minutes later, Evan comes inside, not even bothering to knock, with a little girl in his arms.

"Hey, we're here." Evan says, and the little girl waives at us happily, I waive back at her, and she smiles at me.

She's probably a year older than Alex, but they might get along.

"I didn't know that you have a kid." I say to Evan.

"I do have two, but my son is an Omega, and he's currently scared of people, so I didn't want to bring him here." He explains.

It's common for the Omegas to be scared of other people, especially while they're a little kids.

It's because, Omegas are tiny compared to the kids their age, so they tend to get scared of them.

This might be the reason why Alex doesn't want to play with anyone.

"He will grow out of it, I did." I assure him, remembering my own struggles.

"I hope so." Evan says.

He comes over to the couch, and he puts Mia next to Alex, before he sits next to us.

Mia starts to talk to Alex about something that she learned today, and I can see that Alex smile, and laugh with her.

"It works." Edward tells me, and I nod happily.

"It seems that you will be spending a lot ot your time here from now on." Edward tells Evan, who just shakes his head in amusement.

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