Chapter 2

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Oliver's POV

A few days later, my friends and I agreed to hang out near the training grounds.

I decide to go there early, since I'm bored out of my mind, and all of my school work is already done.

I go to pack school, and I only have to go there for a few more months.

All the people form this pack learn in the pack house, until they're sixteen, then they go to the high school, that is in the city nearby, and they finish their education there.

It's because the young werewolves aren't trusted to keep the secret of our existence, so they're not allowed out.

I shake my head, hoping that I will stop getting lost in thoughts, but I know that I will be gone again in a few minutes, it's just how I am.

I go downstairs, and I look for one of my parents, so I can tell them that I will be going out.

After a few minutes, I spot dad watching the kids in the backyard, so I open the door that lead there, and I step outside, before I go to where he is sitting, watching the babies.

"Hey." I say getting his attention. "I will be going out." I tell him, and he nods once.

"Just come back, before its dark." He tells me, and I agree quickly, before I go back to the house, and I take my keys, so I won't have to ring the bell, if I come back after the kids bedtime.

I go out of the front door only seconds later, and I go towards the training ground, that is a fifteen minutes walk form my house.

When I reach it, I can see that my friends are already here, even through it's a lot earlier than the time that we have agreed to meet.

I go towards them, but I stop when I hear my name being said.

I hide behind the tree, and I listen closely, wanting to know what they're saying about me.

"We shouldn't talk about him, at least not here. What if he will hear us?" One of my friends says, making me hold my breath.

"He won't hear us, he isn't supposed to be here for another hour, and he is either almost exactly on time or a little late." My other friend says.

There are four of them, but the other two seem to have some other conversation.

"You're right, so how should we make him leave us alone, without making the Alpha mad at us, after all, he told us to be friends with him." One of them says, making my eyes water.

"I don't know, but we have to come up with some plan, I'm tired of him already." The other one says.

The other two eventually join the conversation, and I listen to them try to come up with some plan to get rid of me.

I decide to go away, when I can't listen to it anymore, so I go through the woods, and I try to wipe my tears with my sleeve, so I can see the path.

I fail to do so, and soon I end up on the ground, with a bleeding wound on my leg.

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