Chapter 50

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Oliver's POV

A few days later I take Alex to the pack house, and I give him to the babysitter.

It pains me to do it, but I want to spend some alone time with Edward today, so it's necessary.

When I come back to our house, Edward is still sleeping, so I start to make pizza, I just hope the smell won't wake him up too soon.

It's still dark outside, and I'm hoping that we will be able to get on the roof of our house to watch the sunrise, we have already watched the sunset and it was great, so I want to watch the sunrise too.

The pizza is done within half an hour, so I take it out of the oven, and I make us some tea.

Edward still didn't wake up, so I go upstairs, and I open our bedroom door.

He lays on his stomach in the middle of the bed, I go to him, before I sit on his back.

He groans in annoyance, so I start to massage his back gently.

He opens his eyes after a while, and I smile at him.

"What are you doing up so early?" He asks me, before he yawns.

"I have breakfast ready, get dressed quickly." I tell him, and he frowns.

"It's still dark outside." He says.

"That's the point." I say, and I move to sit next to him instead of sitting on him.

He looks like he wants to argue, but I send him a playful galre, and he decides to do as I asked.

He gets out of the bed, and he puts some clothes on, while I watch him as he gets dressed.

When he's done, he looks back to me, so I stand up, and I grab his hand.

I lead him downstairs, and I take bag that has a plate with pizza, and plastic cups with tea, and two blankets in it.

I lead him to the side of the house, and I open the garage door, so I can take the ladder out.

I try to lift it, but I can't manage to do it, so Edward helps me, and I tell him to put it against the house.

"Are we going to watch the sunrise?" He asks.

"Yeah." I tell him.

"Great." He says.

There's a huge smile on him face, which makes me smile too.

He let's me climb up the ladder first, and he climbs right behind me.

When I reach the top, I stand there waiting for him to stand up too, then we find the spot that we want to sit in, and I put one of the blanket on the roof.

We sit on it and I take the other blanket, so we can cover our back, stopping the cool air from hitting us.

Then I take the plate with slices of pizza, and the cups of tea, and we eat silently, waiting for the sun to rise.

A few minutes later it starts to show itself, and it's as beautiful as it can be.

I snuggle closer to Edward and he puts his arm around my waist, making me sigh contently.

We sit here for a while longer, but soon we decide that we want to go on a walk around the woods.

And that's what we do for the most of our day.

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