Chapter 10

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Edward's POV

Oliver lest me greet my friend Don, so I introduce them to each other, but Alex soon gets bored of standing in one place, so the three of us agree to meet soon, so Don can get to know Oliver.

Then we go to my house, and right after I sit on the couch, I remember one thing.

"The Doctor didn't check your womb." I tell him.

"He must have forgotten." Oliver says with a groan.

"We should go back to see if you're pregnant." I say, and he groans.

"I don't think Alex will take nicely any more Doctors today." He tells me, and I laugh slightly.

"Alex or you?" I ask.

"Both." He says, before he looks at me with the puppy eyes.

"Let's go, so we can get it over with, that way we won't have to go back there again tomorrow." I tell him, and he groans, but he stands up anyway.

We take Alex, and we go back to the pack hospital.

"What do you need this time?" The pack Doctor asks.

"You forgot that Oliver is an Omega, so he needs a few more examinations." I tell him, and he nods before leading us to the room that we were in before.

He gathers everything that he will need, while Oliver lays back on the bed once again.

It turns out that Oliver isn't pregnant, and that is most likely because there is some damage on the womb, nothing serious, but he will have to have a surgery to fix it, before he will be able to carry any child.

After the examinations are done we pick a date for the surgery, since I know that if we don't then Isaac will do it himself, right after this information will get to him, which will be very soon, and it will be on earliest date possible.

As we walk towards my house, I can see that Oliver is clearly nervous about the surgery.

When we anter my house I leave Oliver in the living room, and I go to put Alex upstairs to the guest room, since he is slipping.

When I return downstairs, I make Oliver sit on my lap, and I hug him tightly.

"There's nothing to worry about." I tell him.

"Will it ache?" He asks me, putting his head on my shoulder.

"It won't ache at all." I say. "Well, at least the surgery won't, the healing after it probably will." I inform.

"I don't want him to cut me open." He says.

"I know, but you won't be able to carry any children without fixing it, and I know that you want to have children." I try to reason.

"Will I be forced to do the surgery if I won't want to?" He asks, and I consider if I should lie or not.

"Isaac usually forces everyone to fix their health problems, as soon as they can, but since it's not something that will kill you, then there is a chance that I would be able to convince him to let you leave it for now." I tell him honestly.

There is a few minutes of silence, but soon he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I will do it." He tells me, so I hug him tighter, and I kiss the top of his head.

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