Chapter 8

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Oliver's POV

When I wake up the next morning, Edward's arm is around my waist, but as I turn around to face him, I realise that he's still asleep.

"Edward." I say, and I shake him a little, I hope that it will wake him up.

"Edward!" I whisper shout in his ear, and he groans, before he covers his ear with his hand.

I laugh a little, and he looks at me with a playfully glare.

"What do you want?" He asks, while he closes his eyes again.

"I'm bored." I tell him, it's not my fault that I'm a morning person, and that I don't know what to do in this pack.

"You look like you just woke up a second ago." He tells me, not bothering to open his eyes.

"Because I did." I say.

"And you're already bored?" He asks.

"Yes." I tell him, before I kiss his cheek.

"Do you want me to find you something to do? " He asks me.

"Yeah" I say.

He takes my hand in his, and he puts it into his boxers, then he smirks at me, and I blush.

"Then get to work." He says, and he lifts the covers, encouraging me to get under them.

Just as I'm about to do this, Alex opens the door, and he walks inside.

I forgot that we have left the doors open to hear him, making it easy for him to get out of his room, at least we were smart enough to make sure that he won't fall down the stairs.

Alex comes over to Edwards side of the bed, and he lifts his hand, asking us to help him get onto he bed.

I take my hand out of Edwards pants, making him groan in annoyence, but he lifts Alex on the bed anyway.

"So, your an early person?" He asks me.

"Yeah." I say, and he sighs in disappointment.

Alex cuddles to him with a pacifier in him mouth, and I smile at how tense Edward looks.

"How about we eat some breakfast?" Edward asks, but Alex shakes his head, and cuddles closer to him.

Edwards looks at me pleadingly, hoping that I will take Alex, but I just smile, and I look at Alex again.

"How about I go to make us some breakfast, and you cuddle with Edward?" I ask him, and I chuckle at the pacinked expression that Edward makes, when Alex agrees.

I quickly leave the room, before Edward can protest, and I hear him groan as I close the door.

I make my way downstairs, wondering how long he will be able to stay there with Alex, before he will carry him downstairs.

I make some eggs, since there isn't much more in the fridge, mostly likely because Edward was away for the last few weeks.

Right as I put the last bit of the eggs on the plate, Edwards appear in the doorway, with Alex in his arms.

I take the plates and forks, before I follow him to the dining room, where we eat all of it.

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