Chapter 27

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Oliver's POV

I still stay at our house, since I don't have to go back to school yet, but sadly Edward already has to go back to work.

That means that I have to stay in our house with Alex, and I have to wait for him to come back, so he can entertain me.

I play with Alex for a while, but the door bell rings, making me frown.

I consider if I should open it or not, and I decide that I shouldn't, so I just ignore it.

But it rings again, and when I don't answer it again, I hear a groan.

"Just open the door already." Liam yells, and I laugh slightly, before I leave Alex to play on his own, so I can open the door.

"Why didn't you open it?" He asks.

"I opened it." I tell him, and he rolls his eyes at me, but he doesn't say anything.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask him.

"I broke my arm, so I don't have to go today." He tells me, before he lifts his arm to show me the cast, and I can't believe that I haven't noticed it earlier.

"Oh." I say.

"Yeah, so we are going out in a minute, get ready." He tells me.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"To play soccer." He says, and I frown.

"I can't play soccer." I tell him.

"Neither can I, so it will be fun." He says, and I shake my head at his stupidity, but I start to get myself and Alex ready.

"I have to take Alex too." I inform him.

"That's fine, he can come." He says.

I quickly get us ready, and then we go outside, we decide to go to the training grounds, since that is the best pace to play, or even just hung out, as long as there isn't any training.

When we reach it, Liam looks around, trying to find the soccer ball, when he finally finds it, he runs towards it, and he kicks it to me.

Well, at least it was meant to get to me, but instead it went to my right, and it missed me by at least a few feet.

I out Alex down on the grass, and he occupies himself with one of the small cars, that Edward bought for him.

I leave him there, making sure to keep an eye on him.

I run towards the ball, and I kick it towards Liam, it almost reaches him, so I cheer happily, he kicks it back, and I run towards the spot that it's heading to.

We kick it to each other for a few hours, until our legs hurt too much to run anymore.

I take Alex, and we go back to our houses, with the remains of our strength.

I manage to reach my house leaving Liam to go the rest of the way to the pack house on him own, and I collapse on the couch as soon as I reach it.

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