Chapter 5

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Oliver's POV

Edward, and I have agreed to meet outside the border, in the middle of the night.

We didn't mate, since it isn't necessary yet, but we will have to, in about a day, when my heat will start.

I enter my house, and I go to the living room to take Alex as I usually do, then I have a small conversation with dad, who is sitting on the couch.

Then I go to my room, and I decide to just lay down with Alex, and to wait for my family to fall asleep.

A few hours later, the house is dead quiet, so I start to pack a small bag for myself and Alex.

I'm thankfully that he spends enough time in my room, to have a lot of his things here, so I don't have to go to his room to take them.

I have the bags packed in a matter of minutes, and I go downstairs, to pack some food for us.

Edward said the he will be hunting, so I only pack a little bit in case that he doesn't find anything out there, that way we won't be starving.

Alex is quiet the whole time that I pack, and soon I'm done.

I set him on the floor, to put on my shoes and jacket, I give him his pacifier, and I throw a blanket around him, before I take him in my arms, along with the bags.

I make sure that no one saw us, before I go out of the front door, and I close it quietly behind me.

I make my way towards the border, and Alex falls asleep in my arms on the way, making it safer, since I don't have to worry about him making any sounds, and I can concentrate on my path.

I reach the border a bit less than an hour later, and I can see that Edward is already waiting on me.

"Hey." He says when I reach him.

"Hey." I greet him.

"I will shift, and you will have to get on my back and hold onto me." He explains.

"Do you think that you can do it?" He asks, and I nod my head in agreement.

"And Alex?" I ask him.

He shows me a rope that is made of cloths, and he starts to tie it around me and Alex.

It holds Alex close to me, and I don't have to use my hands to hold him.

He shifts into a very dark wolf, I can't tell the colour since it's very dark, but it's probably very dark brown.

I quickly climb on his back, so he takes our bags in his mouth, and runs off, thankfully not waking Alex up.

We run for a few hours, before we reach some lake, and Edward stops, so I get down on the ground.

He shifts into his human form, and I look away when I realise that he's naked.

He comes over, not bothering to get dressed.

He unties the rope, and he takes sleeping Alex from me, before he putts him on the other side of the bushes, that I am standing next to.

He comes back seconds later, so I look at his face, and he smirks at me.

"The scent of your heat will get us in trouble, if we don't get rid of it soon." He tells me, and I nod, understanding what he means.

I undress myself, and I go towards him with a fake confidence.

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