Chapter 26

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Oliver's POV

I just learned that four times a year, this pack has a pack run.

They all shift, and they run in one huge group, around the pack borders, even little kids can come with their parents, even through they can't shift, someone just has to tie them with some rope to the back of one of the wolves, usually one of their parents.

Today is one of this runs, and I can't wait to be a part of it, it will be great, and I already know that Alex will enjoy it.

He had already tried to ride on Edward's back, since we wanted to know if we should take him with us, or leave him behind.

After we saw how much he liked it, we have decided that we're definitely taking him with us.

"Alright, we should go now." Edward tells me.

"Yeah, come on." I say, before I bend down to take Alex, who's sitting on the floor in the living room, playing with his car.

I carry him as we go towards the training grounds, where the run will begin, when we get there, it's already packed, I thought that there was a lot of people at training, but now there is definitely much more.

Edward shifts, and I tie Alex to his back, before I shift too.

We wait for the rest of the people, and soon Isaac leads us towards the border, that is not far from our current spot.

When we reach the border, we start to run, and it feels great to run with a lot of other wolves around me.

I can't imagine what reaction a human would have, if they saw this many wolves run together.

They don't run very fast, so it isn't hard for me to keep up with them, and I don't even feel very tired when the run comes to an end.

I look at Alex who has a huge smile on his face, I don't think I have ever seen him any happier than he is now.

I shift back to my human form, and I untie him, so Edward can shift too.

"That was fun." I tell him.

"Better than our date?" He asks.

"Almost as good as our date." I say with a huge smile, my face hurts because of how much I'm smiling lately.

"That's good." He says. "We should go back, Alex will want to go to sleep soon." He tells me.

"That's truth." I say, and we make our way to our house.

Evan, his mate, and their daughter join us on the way, since they have to go the same way to get to the pack house.

We talk for a while, but eventually we have to part.

"There will be a party in the city soon." Evan informs us. "Want to come with us." He asks.

"Yeah you should come." Isaac says, as he comes over to us.

"We will see." Edward says.

We soon reach the house, so we say our goodbyes, and we go inside.

I will definitely try to convince him to go to the party.

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