Chapter 41

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Oliver's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I feel sick.

I quickly rush to the bathroom, and I throw up in the toilet.

A moment later I hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom, so I look up to see that Edward is looking at me with an arched eyebrow, and an amused smirk on his face.

"Loose that smirk." I demand, but he just chuckles.

I throw up again, and I stay on the floor for a while longer.

I stand up when I don't feel sick anymore, and I try to get out of the bathroom, but Edward stops me.

He picks me up, and he hugs me tightly, I consider if I want to fight, but I decide to just relax into him.

"Do you think your pregnant?" He asks me.

"Most likely." I says, while I rub my eyes.

"We should go to the Doctor, so we can know for sure." He says.

"Whatever." I say, resting my head on his shoulder.

He puts me down, and I groan, making him laugh.

He leaves me to get some clothes for the both of us, and I just stay where he left me.

When he gets back, I let him dress me, and when it's done, he dresses himself, before he goes to take Alex out of his room, while I go downstairs to make some food.

We eat all the food that I have prepared, and then all three of us go to the pack house, so we can check if in pregnant.

"Do you want a little nephew?" Edward asks Alex, who is walking in front of us.

"No." Alex says.

"But it will be fun to have someone younger than you, you will be the big smart one out of the two of you." Edward tries to change Alex's mind.

"No." Alex says in a bored tone, he responds like that to almost everything.

"Your brother and I will have a bunch of kids, and you will love every single one of them." Edward tells him, and Alex turns around to give him a cute glare.

Edward laughs, and he runs towards him, then he picks Alex up, and he throws him in the air, before he catches him.

Then he sets him down on the ground, and he comes back to me, so we can walk hand in hand.

"He had already experienced having siblings, so he knows what having a lot of kids his age means." I tell Edward, as I turn my head to look at him, and he chuckles.

"You have a point." He says, and we walk in silence for a while, before I remember something.

"By the way." I say, waiting for his head to turn to me.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"I know a great name for our first baby." I say.

"Tell me." He says.

"Edmund." I say.

He takes a while to think it over, but finally he nods.

"As long as we call the next one River, it sounds like Oliver." He demands.

"Fine." I agree, and we smile at each other, before we walk the rest of our way to the pack house in silence.

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