Chapter 32

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Edward's POV

I head out of the house, to start the next training session with the future pack trackers.

When I reach them, I sigh in annoyence, since not even half of them is here yet, and I'm already late.

I don't understand how hard it can be to get out of the house, at the time you're supposed to.

I sit down on the grass, and I wait for another fifteen minutes, while the rest of my students gather here.

When everyone is finally here, we shift, and I take them outside of the border, where I have already set the things for the training.

"Alright, the first thing we're looking for is an orange." I tell them through the mind link.

They quickly run off to try to find one of the things that I have hidden.

After a few minutes, one of the training trackers brings it back, so I take it, and I call the rest to come back.

When they're back, I give them another thing to look for.

That's how my work usually looks like, nothing fun, but at least we will have some good trackers soon.

Right now I'm one of the four trackers in this pack, and this position is quite important, so we have to train some more people.

After a few hours, I smell a group of rouges that is going towards us, so I call everyone back, and we go inside of the pack borders, hoping that the rouges won't step inside of it.

They hesitate, but they finally decide that they will come to fight with us, so we have to step up, and fight them.

I howl to get us some help, since the guys that are with me aren't very experienced in fighting.

As I'm about to bite one of the rouges, I feel one of the other rouges bite me on the leg harsh.

I can feel the bone snap, then the rouge, that I was fighting with, pushed me to the ground.

Luckly the help arrives quickly, and they kill the rest of the rouges, before they can do any more damage.

I stand up, and I look at the guys that I was training, none of them looks too bad, only some stratches that will heal quickly.

Two of them help me walk to the pack house, and when we get there, we go straight to see the Doctor.

My leg had almost healed on the way, which is surprising, since I don't usually heal this fast, but the bone remained broken, and I will most likely need a surgery to fix it.

When we pass the main room of the pack house, where most of the people hang out, I see Isaac standing there.

When he sees me, he comes over, and I explain what happened.

"Do you want me to get Oliver?" He asks me.

"No, let him stay in the school, it will most likely need a surgery, so I don't want him to be worried about it." I tell him.

"Alright, I will bring him here after he's out of the school then, it should be done by then." He say, and I nod in agreement.

The two guys take me the rest of the way to the pack hospital, and they leave me here with the Doctor.

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