Chapter 45

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Edward's POV

As Oliver and I enter the pack house, I see Isaac pacing next to the entrance of the pack hospital.

We go towards him, and he looks up from the floor, he smiles slightly when he sees us, but I can already tell that he's nervous.

"What's up?" I ask him.

"Nothing much, my mate is just giving birth." He tells me, and Oliver frowns.

"I didn't even know that your mate is pregnant." He tells us.

"Well you know now." Isaac says looking at him.

"Why aren't you inside?" I ask him.

"Because Flavia said that I stress her out too much, so she told the Doctor to kick me out of there." He tells us, and we both laugh.

"Well, I wouldn't want Edward to be pacing around the hospital from like that while I give birth either, so she has a fair point." Oliver says.

"I can't promise that I won't be doing that, but please try to not kick me out, if that will happens." I tell him, hoping that I will be a bit less nervous when it's my time to see my mate give birth.

"No promises." Oliver tells me, and Isaac laughs slightly.

"I can't believe that Oliver isn't pregnant yet, you have to make a friend for my son." He tells us.

"You know that he had problems with his womb, it's fixed now, but the Doctor said that it will take some time to get him pregnant, at least for the first time." I explain, and Isaac nod in understanding.

"Yeah, you told me about it." He tells me.

"And your son already has Alex to play with." Oliver tells him.

I put my hand on Isaac's back, and I take him into the pack hospital, so we can sit down, Oliver follows behind us.

When we enter I can hear screams, and I instant regret that I came through this door.

I stop in the doorway, and I consider if I should go further, or if I should go back outside.

Just as I decide to go inside, there is another scream that almost makes me deaf, so I grip Isaac's shirt, and pull him outside, before I close the door with wide eyes.

"I don't think I will be able to watch you give birth." I tell Oliver, as I lock my eyes with him, both of our eyes wide.

"I don't think I will manage to give birth, I don't want to be in this much pain." He tells me, and I hug him tightly.

"So, now you know why I was pacing." Isaac tells us, and we nod.

About an hour later the Doctor opens the door, and all of us step inside of the pack hospital.

Oliver and I sit on the chair in the corridor, while Isaac goes inside of his mate's room.

We wait for a while, and then Isaac comes outside with his son in his arms.

Oliver stands up to see the baby better, and I do the same.

"What's his name?" Oliver asks.

"Jasper." He tells us.

"Hi, Jasper." I say to the baby, as I reach my hand to tuch his head.

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