Chapter 17

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Oliver's POV

The school ends quickly, and I can't say that I liked it, since it was boring, but I also can't say that I hated it.

It was alright, no one was annoying me, at least not on purpose, so I didn't have to trip anyone accidentally.

Liam and I go to the pack house, since Liam lives there, and I'm supposed to meet Edward at the entrance.

When we reach it, I see that Edward isn't there yet.

"You can go, I will wait here for him." I tell him, when he realises that my mate isn't here.

"I can wait with you, I don't have anything better to do anyway." He says.

We decide to stay close to the front door, so we can see when Edward comes here.

We sit under the tree that isn't close, but the place that it's in gives us a good view at the front door.

"Is the toddler your son?" He asks me, after a few minutes of silence.

"Alex?" I ask and, he nods his head. "No, he's my brother." I tell him.

"Why are you taking care of him then?" He asks.

"It's complicated." I tell him.

I dont want to talk about my family, since I don't want anyone to know who my family is.

I won't risk them going to my former pack, to tell my parents that I'm here.

People in this pack seem to be nice, but that does mean that they won't turn their backs on me in a while.

"I'm the youngest of four siblings, the only boy." He tells me.

"That must be crazy." I say, and he nods his head crazily, I wonder how it manages to not fall off.

"You can't even imagine." He tells me, and I laugh.

We talk for a bit longer, and finally Edward shows up, and he's looking for me, so I stand up, and I look back at Liam, who stands up too.

"I will see you tomorrow." I tell him.

"Yeah, see you." He says, before he walks of.

I go towards Edward, who already noticed that I'm here.

"What took you so long?" I ask him, before I give him a quick kiss.

"We had to investigate something, so it took longer than usual." He tells me.

"Alright, let's get Alex." I tell him, and the agrees, so we go inside of the pack house to take the kid.

When we have him, we go back to our house, letting Alex walk by himself in front of us, hoping that it will make him tired enough to not cause any trouble.

We reach the house quickly, and we go inside, I have already goten used to the fact the it's quiet here, every time that we enter, since we are the only ones that live here.

I remember that family house was almost never quiet, especially since the last seven siblings showed up, but that's just one of the bad things that comes with having a big family.

I hope mine won't be that big, but I don't want it to be very small either.

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