Chapter 24

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Edward's POV

The next morning, I make sure that Oliver and Alex are still asleep, and then I go out of my house to ask the pack Doctor about this whole heat.

When I reach the pack hospital, the Doctor greets me, and after I ask my question he explains that he forgot to tell us that now that I Oliver's womb is able to carry a child, he will most likely get a heat soon, and that we shouldn't mate for a while until the womb is completely healed.

At least it turns out that Oliver is allowed to get medicine, so I grab a pack of them for him, and I go to my house again.

I set the pack on the dining table, and I start to make some breakfast for the guys.

Oliver doesn't like to eat much in the morning, so I'm done quickly.

I set the food on the dining table, before I go upstairs, to wake Oliver and Alex up.

When I enter my bedroom, it turns out that they're both awake, and almost ready for the day.

"Where were you?" Oliver asks me, as I sit on the bed next to him, while he puts some clothes on Alex.

"In the pack house." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks curiously.

"To get the medicine for you, you're starting your heat." I inform him, and he looks up at me with a frown.

"I just had my heat." He says.

"Yeah, the Doctor told me that you will have another one, since your womb realised that it's able to carry a child or something like that." I say, not really remembering what the Doctor said, since he used too many complicated words, that only the Doctors know.

"Oh, okay." He says with a shrug, before he goes back to dressing Alex.

"So what exactly this medicine does?" He says.

"It's supposed to kind of stop your heat." I say. "It makes sure that you won't feel like you have a hear, and no one will be able to smell it, but they don't stop it completly." I explain, hoping that he will understand what I have just said.

"So there won't be any silk getting out my ass?" He asks me.

"There will be, but not as much as usual." I inform him, and he nods his head in acknowledgment.

We go downstairs, where the breakfast is waiting, and we eat it quickly, before I give Oliver his medicine.

He takes one pill from the pack, and he swallow it with some water.

Then a door bell rings, so I go to open the door, and I see Isaac standing there, with Evan's daughter in his hands.

"Hey would you mind watching her? I was supposed to do this, but I forgot have somewhere to be soon." He asks.

"Sure." I say, and I take the little girls from him.

"Thanks, I have to go now." He says, and he runs off towards the pack house, which makes me frown.

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