Chapter 3

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Oliver's POV

I lay on the ground, and I cry silently, for what feels like hours, until I feel someone touch my arm.

I look up to see that it's some man, he doesn't smell like my pack, or like rouge, which means that he has to be some visitor.

A few hours ago, I would have jumped away from him, but right now my will to live is minimal, so I just look at him, not breaking the eye contact.

"Are you alright?" He asks me, and when I don't answer, he takes my leg in his hand, and he holds it up to have a better view of my wound.

"It's nothing serious, but your an Omega, so it might get easily infected if you won't clean it." He tells me, and I just turn my gaze to the sky.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask him.

"What?" He asks curiously.

"The fact that I'm an Omega." I tell him.

"Well, I'm worried that no werewolf will be able to miss that, especially if you just walk outside while your heat is starting." He tells me, and I frown.

"I don't think it's starting, I don't feel weird yet." I say with slight frown.

"Well I have a very good sense of smell, I'm a tracker in my pack, so believe me when I say that it's starting." He says.

"I don't care." I tell him, after a while of silence.

"Do you have your medicine with you?" He asks me.

"Medicine?" I ask, this time looking at him, since I want to see him.

"Are Omegas not using the medicine for heats it in this pack?" He asks.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." I tell him honestly.

He nods his head in understanding, before he sits on the ground, probably tired of crouching.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"I heard when you were crying, so I wanted to check if you're alright." He tells me.

"That's not what I meant." I tell him, "What are you doing in this pack?" I ask.

"I came here a few days ago to meet my new nephew, my brother and his mate had a baby a few months ago, and I didn't get a chance to meet him, not until now." He explains.

"Now tell me why you're so sad." He says, so I sit up, and I move a few feet, so I can rest my back against one of the trees.

He dose the same, and I tell him about what happened today, then all the stupid laws, and everything else that annoys me in this pack.

I also mention Alex, and how I don't want him to go through this.

"Well, I wouldn't want to be living here too, especially not as an Omega." He tells me, and we sit in silence for a while after that.

Untill he decides to tell me how different the laws are in his pack are, making me wish that I was born there.

I don't know why, but I like talking to him, and I feel like I have known him for ages, but we just met, not even an hour ago.

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