Chapter 20

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Edward's POV

I have waited in the hospital until the surgery was done, and then the Doctor told me that it went well.

And that I should go to my house to get some rest, since I'm not allowed to see Oliver until the morning.

I decided that I don't want to leave Alex with a babysitter for the whole night, and I can't bring him here, since he might start to cry, and that will disturb the people that try to recover in some of the rooms here.

So, I called the babysitter to meet me at the entrance of the pack house, and I took Alex from him.

Then both Alex and I walked to Evan's apartment, so Alex could play with Mia for a while, until it got late, and I took us to the pack hospital, to see if there are any news about Oliver.

I know that if something will be happening, I will get a call, but I wanted to check if the Doctor will let me see him.

He didn't let me see him, but he told be that he's still sleeping, so I sighed in disappointment, and I took Alex to our house.

I played with him for a while, but I couldn't stop thinking about Oliver, and the distance started to be painfully.

So, when Alex have fallen asleep, I picked him up, and I carried him to Evan's apartment, so he could sleep there, while I went to the pack hospital.

The Doctor groaned when he saw me, but I paid him no mind, and I just sat at one of the chairs

In the early morning, I was told that Oliver have woken up, which calmed me a bit.

But I spent a whole night waiting in the hospital anyway.

Now it's morning, and the sun just begins to come up, so I stand up from the uncomfortable chair, and I knock at the Doctor's office.

He rolles his eyes when he see that it's me, and I frown at him, which makes him laugh.

"I guess you want to see him." He tells me, and I nod in agreement.

He leaves his office, closing the door beind him, and he leads me to Oliver's room.

When we enter, I quickly go to his bed.

He's very pale, but other than that, he looks alright.

The Doctor takes the blanket and bandages off of him, before he starts to clean the wound.

I glance at the wound, but I feel like I will throw up if I look at it for a bit longer, so I look away.

I sit at the chair, that is next to the bed that Oliver lays on, and I take his hand in mine.

He opens his eyes with a groan, and I smile at him, he tries to smile back, but he fails to do so, making me chuckle slightly.

I lean in to kiss his head, and he closes he's eyes to go back to sleep.

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