Chapter 21

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Oliver's POV

I wake up, and when I open my eyes, the first thing I see is that I'm still in the hospital.

At least this time I didn't have to take a few minutes to remember why I'm here, unlike the last time.

Edward is still sleeping, his head is on the bed, while he sits on the chair that is right next to the bed.

The sun is raising, so he will most likely be up soon, he started to be a morning persons since he met me, and I started to force him to wake up, not much later than I and Alex do.

I reach my hand, and I play with his hair for a while, until I start to feel tired again, and my eyes start to close, as if I didn't sleep for Goddess knows how long already.

I force my eyes to open, and I try to occupy my head with a lot of thoughts, hoping to not fall asleep again.

I would have just stand up to walk around for a while, but I can barely manage to lift my arm, so I don't think that I'm strong enough yet.

Also I don't want to risk breaking my stitches, I'm very happy that I wasn't awake when the Doctor put them on me.

I know that it wouldn't have ached, since they would have given me some pain killers or something, but it doesn't change the fact that even only a thought of getting stitched, while being awake, makes me shiver.

It surprises me, since I can't remember a time that I was scared of anything like that.

But then again, I never had a surgery, and I didn't get stitches before.

After a while, Edward opens his eyes, and I smile at him, he smiles back, before he sits up in his chair, and  stretching his body.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Hi. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good, a bit hungry, but I don't think I will be able to hold any food in my stomach at the moment." I tell him, and he nods.

We talk for a while, then the Doctor comes inside of the room that I'm occupying, and I groan when he tells me that he has to do some more examinations.

Thakfully he's done quickly, and he leaves us alone again.

"Don't you have to go to work?" I ask, hoping that he will be able to stay here with me, I will die of boredom otherwise.

"No, in this pack, if your mate is sick, you are considered sick as well, so you can take care of them, at least in most situations." He tells me, and I nod in understanding.

"I'm bored." I tell him, making him laugh slightly.

"There isn't much that we can do here." He tells me.

"That's not very good then." I say, and he nods.

"We can watch a movie on my phone or something." He suggests.

"Okay." I agree.

He helps me sit up, before he sitts on the bed next to me, so I lay my head on his shoulder.

I choose some random movie, and we watch it in silence.

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