Chapter 9

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Oliver's POV

After we finish eating the breakfast, we go to the pack house to see the Doctor, as Edward promised to Isaac.

The first thing I realise is the fact the there is a lot of houses here, in my pack, there was only the pack house, Joseph's house, and my parents' house

There also used to be my papa's parents' house, but he got rid of it because he forced his father to move into the pack house, as a punishment for something that he did.

So, it wasn't of any use, since his mother and brother went with his father, and he has got rid of it.

We soon reach the pack house, that is about the same size as the one in my papa's pack, and Edward leads me to the pack hospital.

We reach it quickly, and we are greeted by the Doctor right away.

Edwards tells him what we need from him, and he tells us to wait in one of the rooms, since he has to check on one of the patients first.

We go inside, and Edward tells me exactly what examinations to expect, to be honest the hospitals don't scare me, the only thing that I hate about it is that there is too much touching which makes me uncomfortable.

The Doctor comes to us not much later, with everything that he will need, and he starts with the wound on my leg, that is almost healed.

A normal ranked wolf would have healed a few hours after getting the wound, but I'm an Omega so it takes a lot longer than that.

The whole examination process for both me and Alex takes a little over half an hour, but eventually it's done, and we are ready to go outside.

Thankfully I got the pass to stay, so I don't have to worry about that anymore.

The Doctor also has done some examinations to Edward, since in this pack everyone have to pass it every time they come back to the pack, no matter where they were, or for how long they were gone.

When we leave the pack hospital, we go straight to Alpha Isaac's office.

Edward knocks on the door, but he walks inside, before we hear the answer, I laugh slightly, and both Edward and Isaac look at me questioningly.

"What?" Edward asks, when he realises that I was laughing at him.

"Nothing, I just found it funny that you knocked, but you didn't bother wait for Isaac to tell you that you can walk inside, you just opened the door." I tell him, before I laugh a bit more, while he shakes his head at me

"Yeah, that's Edward, he never learns." Isaac tells me.

Edwards takes my arm, and he pulls me to the couch, so we can sit, and Edward explains the situation.

When he's done, Isaac asks us a few questions, wanting me to answer most of them.

When he knows all that he wants to know, we are dismissed.

We go back to Edward's house, but on our way there, some guy greets Edward, so we stop to talk to him.

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