Chapter 39

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Edward's POV

I run toward the house, and I open the door as fast as I can.

"Oliver." I call him, while I quickly take the scent blocker, and I spray it around the house.

It will mask his and Alex's scent, and since they haven't left the house in over half a day, his family won't be able to smell him on the streets.

"Yeah?" He asks me with a frown, not understanding why I'm panicking.

"Your father and brother are here." I tell him, and his eyes widen as mine did earlier.

"What are we going to do?" He asks me.

"We have to get out of here quickly, get Alex and I will call Isaac to let him know what's going on." I tell him quickly.

He rushes to the living room, and he grabs Alex, while I take my phone out, rushing up the stairs to spray the scent blocker there as well.

I quickly explain to Isaac that we have unwanted guests, and he tells me to he get out of the pack lands until he tells me that it's safe, so I thank him, and I hung up, before I grab Oliver and I rush him towards the car.

I make sure to spray the scent blocker everywhere we go, and when we enter my car, I quickly start it, and I drive out of the pack lands.

"I have expected them to come here, I actually thought that they will come sooner." I tell him.

"Yeah, I was hoping that they won't come here at all. What if they find us?" He asks, panicking slightly.

"They won't, Isaac knows how to lie, and I doubt the they will talk to anyone in the pack." I assure him.

"Let's hope that they don't." He says.

Alex starts to cry wich surprises me, since I have heard him cry only once before.

"It's fine, Alex." I try to calm him down, but he continues to cry silently.

"He most likely has noticed that we're panicking, so he got scared that something is wrong." I tell Oliver.

"Yeah." I agree.

He reaches back to grab the pacifier from the bag, that lays next to Alex's sit, and when he finds it, he gives it to him.

Alex continues to cry, but this time it's quieter, since it's blocked by the pacifier.

I drive past the pack border, and I sigh in relief, I decide that we should go somewhere a bit far away from here, in case Oliver's father decides to come into the city.

So, I drive to the city that is over half an hour from our pack, and I look out the window to see if there is something fun to do here.

I remember that I promised Oliver to take him bowling, so I park my car, and take my phone out to see where I have to drive, I quickly find the direction, and I drive there.

Oliver questions where we're going, but I ignore him, and I continue to drive.

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