Chapter 40

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Oliver's POV

Edward stops in front of some building, and I he tells me to get out of the car.

I take Alex's bag, while he takes the kid, and he lead me into the building, that has a sign saying bowling on it.

We go inside, and Edward pays for the both of us, then we sit on the chairs that are in front of one of the bowling alley.

He shows me how to play, and I actually manage to get some points, but of course he's a lot better then me, since I have never played before.

I try to concentrate on the game, but my mind is too occupied.

I can't believe that papa almost found me, we should have been more prepared, and on guard, since we have known that it will happen soon enough.

At least I wanted to stay in our house today, so my scent isn't all over the pack lands, that would have exposed us quickly.

I don't even realise when the game ends, but Edward's leads me outside, and we go back to his car.

When all of us have our sit belts on, he drives off, and we stop in front of a pizzeria.

I stay in the car with Alex, while Edward goes to get a pizza, he comes back quickly, and we drive towards some park to eat it.

We decide to stay in the car, since we don't have any blanket to sit on, and Alex seems too tired to play.

So, I give Alex one slice of pizza, and he takes it happily, I then take one for myself, and we eat all of it.

Edward swears at himself for forgetting to buy any drinks, but we find one on the back sit, so we share it.

When we're done eating, we sit in the car in silence, while Alex sleeps in the back sit.

As I am about to say something, Edward's phone rings.

"It's Isaac." He tells me, and I nod, letting him pick it up.

He talks with Isaac for a while, before he finally hangs up, and he looks at me.

"They left half an hours ago." He tells me.

"Are we going back then?" I ask him, it's already getting dark, and we have a long way back.

"I guess it's safe now, I doubt that they will come back here anytime soon." He tells me, before he turning the car on, and then he driver off.

"We have to be a bit more careful from now on." He tells me.

"There isn't much we can do, I won't stay in our house for the rest of my life." I tell him.

"I know, but we will have to make sure that we mask your scent when you go somewhere." He tells me.

"Okay" I say.

"Don't worry, they're gone for now." He tells me, and I nod in agreement, while I try to relax.

We drive towards the pack lands, and I fall asleep somewhere on the way, I open my eyes slightly when I feel Edward carry me to our house, but he tells me to go back to sleep so I do.

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