Chapter 31

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Edward's POV

"Where are we going?" Oliver asks me.

I don't respond, I just smile at him, and I put my jacket on, then I take his hand, and I take him outside.

It's weekend, but we don't have the training today, so I have decided to see if Oliver will enjoy shooting.

We have a sandproof room for learning how to shoot, it's near the pack house, so that's where I'm taking him.

I have overheard Liam talking to Oliver, about how he doesn't feel usefully, and that he things that he's waisting his time at the pack training.

So, I will take him with us too, and if they will end up liking it, then they will be useful during attacks, and they might be able to skip pack trainings, so they can practice this.

I lead Oliver to the pack house first, and I ask one of the guards for Liam's apartment number.

He gives it to me, and I tell Oliver to wait for me downstairs, while I run upstairs to retrieve Liam.

"Do I relally have to go with you?" Liam asks, as we walk down the stairs.

"Stop whining, you don't even know where we're going." I tell him.

He stays quiet until we reach Oliver, then the two start to talk with each other, while I try to pull Oliver a bit faster.

I don't even know why I'm so impatient, we have a whole day to do this.

We reach the small building, and they stop their conversation, so they can look around.

I lead them to the spots that they're supposed to stand in, and I take three guns on my way.

In front of us, a few metres away, hanging from the wall is a white circle paper, with a dop in the middle, and a few circles are surrounding it.

"Alright, we will be shooting today." I tell them, and they cheer loudly.

I smile at their enthusiasm, and I give each of them a gun.

I show them how to aim and shoot, almost hitting the middle, then they try it themselves, they both miss, but a few shoots later, they manage to actually hit the paper, nowhere near the middle, but that's still progress.

They seem to enjoin it, and they start to get better at it, so I press the button that makes the papers move.

They groan in flustration every time they miss, but soon I can hear Oliver cheering.

I look at his paper, and I see that he had hit it right in the middle.

"That's great." I say, as I hug him tightly.

"I told you that I will win." He tells Liam, and he sticks his tongue at him.

"I will hit it first the next time." Liam informs him.

"Would you like to practice shooting instead of doing the pack training?" I ask them.

They look at me, as if they expect me to say that I was just kidding, but when they realise that I'm serious, they both jump at me in joy.

I chuckle at their childish behaviour, and I then I take tham back to our house, so Oliver and I can hang out with Liam for a while longer.

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