Chapter 4

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Oliver's POV

We sit under the tree for a while longer, until he remembers that my leg is hurt, and he asks me to let him check it.

I agree, and he takes out a bandage, that he has in his bag.

He bandages my wound, before he sitts back in his previous spot.

He looks at me for a while, as if he want to ask something but he doesn't know if he should.

"Would you like to come back with me?" He asks. "I can take you to my pack." He tells me.

I frown, and I look at my feet, the I take a moment to think about his question.

I don't like to live here, but I don't think that I'm ready to leave my family behind.

Then I remember that papa had set up friend for me, which is unforgivable, I can't believe that he would have done that, I really thought that I had some good friends.

I have told them a lot of my secrets, and it hurts to know that they have most likely already told them to everyone they know.

Maybe this way I will have a better life, this man's pack sounds quite nice.

"What's your name?" I ask him, when I realise that I haven't asked that.

"Edward." He says.

"Oliver." I tell him.

I look at him, and I can't believe that I'm actually finding a guy attractive, I never have liked anyone like that.

"I would like to go with you." I tell him, and he smiles.

"Okay, then you should go back to your hourmse to pack a small back of necessities, we have a long way to go." He tells me.

"How long?" I ask curiously.

"It takes me about two weeks in human form, it will most likely take around three if you're coming with me." He tells me, and I groan loudly.

"It will be worth it, I promise." He says, and I look at him to see that he is genuinely trying to help me.

"Okay." I say, and then I remember one more thing.

"Can I take Alex too?" I ask him, and he looks at the ground for a moment, deep in thought.

"You can, but I have no idea how to take care of a kid, and he might cause us trouble if he starts to cry in the middle of the woods." He informs me.

"I know how to take care of him, and he is usually quiet when he is around me." I tell him.

"Alright then, but there is one more thing." He says.

"What?" I ask curiously.

"You're entering heat, I don't have any medicine with me, and I have to leave today." He tells me.

"Is there any other option to get rid of this heat?" I ask him, hoping that he knows some other trick.

"Well, it would go away for about a day if we sleep together." He tells me.

My eyes widen, and I hold my breath in, but surprisingly, I'm not scared at all.

I take a moment to regain myself, and I look back at him.

"Would you be up for it?" I ask him, not wanting to force him into doing anything for me.

He just smirks, and that answered my question.

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