Chapter 28

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Oliver's POV

I have managed to convince Edward to go to the party that Evan have mentioned.

Don, Liam, and a few other people that I know will be there too, I can't wait to see how a real party looks like.

It's at some club, that is in the city, so we go there, and from what I was told, Isaac have thrown this party, but it's for both the humans, and the pack members, so that's why it's in the city.

The building is big, and there are lights on it, we enter it, and Edward leads me to the bar, so we can get some drinks.

We can't drink alcohol, since I'm not old enough, and he will have to drive, so we get ourselves some juice, and we go towards one of the couches, where most of our friends already sit.

"Hey, how do you like it?" Evan asks me, as soon as I'm close enough to hear him.

"I just got here, but so far it's good." I tell him, and he smiles happily.

Edward and I sit on the couch, and we talk with our friends for a while, making sure that none of them will be driving back to the pack house, since all of them are drunk.

Liam joins us a bit later, and we talk about some nonsense, I watch the people that are here, seeing new faces everywhere I look.

The party ends a few hours later, and we have to help some of the drunk people get back to the pack house.

We take a few of them with us, while some of the other pack members that didn't drink take the rest.

Edward drops them off at the pack house, and they stumple over their feet, as they go towards the front door.

He drives off when he's sure that they are inside, and we drive back to our house, deciding that we should just leave Alex with the babysitter for the night, since it's already the morning, and he's most likely sleeping.

We go to the living room, and we put a movie on the TV, deciding that since it's weekend now, that we can stay up bit longer.

Edward makes some popcorn, and he brings it into the living room.

We watch a scary movie, since Edward told me that he wants me to watch it, but after a while, I make him change it to some other movie, since it's too scary for me.

He laughs at me, but he changes the movie anyway, I thank him, and I snuggle to him happily.

The movie ends a few hours later, and we have to clean up all the bags of snacks that we have eaten during the movie.

Soon that's done, and the living room doesn't look like the inside of the bin anymore.

Then we go upstairs, and I collapse on the bed dramatically, making him chuckle.

"I have never stayed up this late." I tell him.

"I did, but not recently." He tells me, laying down next to me.

I give him a quick kiss, then I undress myself to my boxers, and I go to sleep.

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