Chapter 36

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Edward's POV

I finish my work, and I go back to my house, where Oliver and Alex should be already waiting, hopefully with food.

When I enter the house, it's quiet, so I frown.

"Oliver?" I ask loudly, but no one answers.

I call him, as I go out of the house, and he doesn't pick up, but a few seconds later, I can see that he is going towards me.

I quickly run towards him, and I see that there are tears in his eyes.

"What happened?" I ask him, worry clear in my voice.

"Nothing." He tells me.

I look at his arm, that is exposed, since he's weeing a short sleeve shirt, and I can see a bruice forming on his arm.

I grab his arm, and tuch the bruise slightly.

"Who did it?" I ask.

"I don't know his name." He tells me, sniffling slightly.

"Alright, let's go to our house for now." I say, and he nods in agreement.

I lead him to the living room, and I sit on the couch, pulling him with me.

"Now tell me what happened." I demand lightly.

"A guy came up to me, when I got out of the school building, and he told me that I'm too weak to be in this pack, and that I don't deserve you as a mate." He starts to explain.

"Then I decided to walk off, but he grabbed my arm tightly, so he punched me in the ribs, and he left me alone." He tells me.

I lift his shirt to see the bruise, that is already forming under his skin.

"We should go to the pack hospital, so the Doctor can check if your ribs aren't broken, and I have to tell Isaac to find that man, so he will get punished." I tell him, but he whines, and he hugs me tightly.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't want to go to the hospital again, I had enough for a while." He tells me.

I hug him back, and I kiss the top of his head.

"At least let me check your ribs then." I demand.

He agrees, so I help him lay down on the couch, and I take he's shirt up to check if the ribs are alright.

"You shout be fine, it's just a bruise." I tell him, and he sight in relief.

"We still have to go to the pack house, so we can talk with Isaac, and take Alex." I inform him.

"Can you ask Isaac to bring Alex here?" He asks hopefully.

"I guess I can." I tell him, as I pull my phone from the pocket of my trousers.

I call Isaac, and he agrees to bring Alex here.

We wait for only a few minutes, then the front door opens, and Alex runs towards us, with Isaac following right behind.

"What's up?" Isaac asks, as he sits on the couch next to me.

I repeat everything to him, and he says that he will find that guy as soon as he can, then he leaves, saying that he still has some work to do.

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