Chapter 22

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Oliver's POV

The days in the pack hospital can't get any slower.

If I wasnt an Omega then I would have already healed, but of course my Omega genes do their best to make me suffer as long as possible.

At least Edward is here with me for most of the day, sometimes he even brings Alex here for a while.

The Doctor said that I'm healing well, and that I will be able to get out of here very soon, maybe even today, but I try to not get my hopes up, that usually ends in dissapioment.

"Guess what." Edward says when he comes inside of the room with Alex in his arms.

"What?" I ask.

"I talked to the Doctor, and he told me that I can take you back to my house, as long as you promise that you will lie down on the bed for the next few days." He tells me, and I groan slightly.

"Sounds boring, but at least I don't have to be here any longer." I say.

He chuckles, and he comes over, he  setts Alex on the floor, before he helps me change my clothes.

I stand up, and he takes my hand, before he lifts Alex with his other one, then we finally walk out of the pack hospital, and we go towards our house.

When I walk through the front door, it feels like I haven't been here for months, but in reality it was only a few days, not even a week.

We go to the living room, and then Edward leaves me with Alex, so he can make us some tea.

I see that Alex is growing quickly, he still looks like an Omega, but I can clearly see that he had grown quite a bit over the time that we have been living here.

It makes me realise that I hardly spend any time with him, even before I went to the hospital, there is something that prevents me from being with him, mostly the school or training.

I have to remember to spend more time with him from now on.

Edward comes back, and he gives me one of the cups, before he sitts on the couch next to me with his own cup of tea.

"When you will feel good enough, we will go on some date or something, we haven't gone anywhere yet." He tells me, making me smile happily.

"Yeah, that would be great." I say, before I put my hand on his knee, massaging it slightly.

He looks at my hand with a bright smile, before he looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing, I'm just happy to have you here." He says. "And Alex too." He continues.

"Papa look." Alex says, after hearing his name.

We look at him, and he shows us some drawing that he did with a pencil that is now broken.

I am about to tell him that it looks amazing, but then I realise what he said.

I look at Edward to see that he has wide eyes, obviously realising that Alex just called him papa.

"He's not your papa, Alex." I tell him, and he whines.

"No?" He asks sadly.

"Not really, I think you should just call him Edward." I say, and Edward lets out a sigh of relief.

Alex just shrugs his shoulder, and he goes back to his task, already forgetting about our conversation.

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